Irish Molly's 2011 Diary

Mary, another one
rozanne Stevens Mixed Bean Soup
1 red onion finely diced
2 cloves of garlice finely diced
1 or 2 chillies deseeded and finely diced
1 teaspoon of cumin and coriander
1 tin of tomatoes
1 tin of kidney beans
1 tin of cannelini beans
1 tin of sweetcorn
1 tin of tomatoes
1 litre of stock

To serve, fresh coriander and creme fraiche. You could also add a serving of salsa to this (tomato, onion, coriander and advocado).

Fry the onion and garlic for a couple of minutes until softened. Add the chilli, cumin and coriander and fry for another minute. Add the tomatoes, stock and beans. Simmer for 10 minutes and serve.
No problem , Mary . Beans, if you can develop a taste for them, are a fantastic GL food. You can have 3/4 tin if no other protein is included in the meal. You can have half a tin as your starchy carb in a meal. So they bulk up your plate and are very filling. I always have a bean meal in the fridge as a standby for either lunch or dinner.
Mary, this is a good site for ideas for beans too.
I've found recipes that I've adapted to suit my tastes.
Food looked good. It would be very difficult for anyone to resist all those yummies in placed in front of your face. Especially homemade ones.

This time of the year is so difficult, with all the get togethers, work parties, birthday parties, thanksgiving, and xmas.
I usually love Christmas, but Im feeling very baaa humbug about it this year. I really dont want to put weight on, but I know its so hard not to...
Especially on social occasions. Grr.
Hope today is being a good one. xx
Ah you'll get into the Christmas spirit as the time gets nearer. Tonight's a nice frosty Christmassy night.
Food today was fair:
B: oat bran flakes
L: bean stew
D: ham sandwich and two slices cherry cake!!!! oh a bad choice but nice!
Snacks: two pears and my first 4 chocs of the Christmas season.
Looking good Molly, besides the cake ;) lol its so hard to resist this time of year isn't it! I'm going to try soooo hard not to give in to any of it until Friday 23rd (last night in work) .. Wish me luck! Lol xx
Food looks good, and the cake falls into 80/20 :)
Given all that food that like to prance in front of us all at this time of the year, I think you are doing pretty good. :)
It's no doubt the most difficult time of the year for us weight watchers (with a small w ;)) .... it starts so early and goes on for so flippin' long! :sigh: .. I'm bustin' already and it's only 3rd! ;) xx
Oh I know, Jan!! I had a pre Christmas party last night. I've three lunches this week too!! It's hard to be good all the time! I guess that's why they invented New years resolutions!!!!
It is so hard to not get into "Christmas" brain already. I have had a mince pie, which I loved, but have to find an alternative. I have a sweet labneh in the fridge, so hoping to have that with baked apple and a bit of mince meat, and that it will be enough til nearer christmas!!!
Have a nice Sunday.
Hi all. Well I'm still avoiding the alcohol for another week or so. I have had my first mince pie. Oops! I've also had a few quality street. I have a few outings this week but will make as good choices as available on the menus.
Between meds and the coming excesses of the Christmas festivities I expect a gain but I'll worry about it post Christmas.
Have a good week all!
Well done on avoiding alcohol and good luck with the outings. :)
You're doing great avoiding alcohol this whole time. Keep up the good work Molly!
You should be proud of yourself, well done Molly for avoiding the temptation of the alcohol - I wish I was half as strong as you ;)
Funnily enough I find that if I have a glass of wine Im less likely to pick!! Apart from if there is bombay mix in the house, then I just cannot resist!!! I would kill for a glass of wine tonight, but am far too aware that its weigh in on Wed.
Have a good week. xxx