Irish Molly's 2012 Diary

Too often, I smell toast, and salivate, and NEED to eat out, to find that it smells much nicer than it easily tastes, so wasted calories for little gain.

Good to hear you can follow this diet easily and happily go back to it after going back to 'normal' food and ways of eating.
I was sooo bold today! Someone gave me a big bar of some lovely white and mint chocolate, Lindt I think!!! Anyway, I couldn't resist it this evening and devoured it. Guilt free as I'll count it as my 20% treat( most of the week's 20%)
LOL! Good for you - hope you enjoyed it!! xx
Oh I enjoyed it, Jan!!! I've also discovered that when I don't allow myself feel guilty then it helps me avoid a downward spiral. Yesterday was a good day with not a choccie or anything else bold either.
congrats on catching the gain and adjusting things. I'm really impressed at your fantastic achievement overall and great attitude
clarri said:
This is what the slimpods are doing for me. No guilt. The food will sort itself out eventually. Its getting there. Already Im choosing better foods naturally.
You have it sorted havent you. xx

Clarri, you are doing so well especially with building up all the exercise. So keep at it hon!
Splenda said:
Lindt chocolate MUST be devoured :) all sounds very well with you Molly, have a lovely day! X

Lindt is lovely but not too often or disaster will result!!!!!!
blue-kat said:
congrats on catching the gain and adjusting things. I'm really impressed at your fantastic achievement overall and great attitude

Thanks for that. Not letting things slide too much is key IMHO. Otherwise, it is too easy to lose control and face a big challenge to get back on top of it. Then, of course, it leads to the yo yo cycle of binge, diet, binge. I really want to avoid that if possible.
Molly, you're doing fab, and I absolutely love your attitude. I read your latest post just when I needed a reminder that maintaining the status quo is better than letting things slide!
Ah thanks for that nice post Plum. Supportive as ever.
We just gotta keep battling!
agree - just keep going.
it's not worth sacrificing your well-being, for supposed 'treat' that escalate into daily habits.
A friend has been doing healthy eating rather than dieting, and has just kept going despite mega stress with a serious accident in the family and domestic mayhem due to major building works.
and now she's 2 dress sizes smaller.
staying with the habits that kept her bigger doesn't help with life stresses, however appealing they may seem at the moment.
Your friend's attitude is just the ticket to success. We all need to embrace that attitude. Congrats to her on a great mental attitude and the results to prove it works!!
You're doing great Molly, you're always an inspiration to us all :)
Hi all. Last week was a bit unfocused foodwise! Not so much overeating bad foods as lacking in planning and then not eating wisely. I pulled it back towards the weekend so undid any potential damage from the early part of the week.
To ensure this week was better, I spent Sunday morning cooking. A big spicy bean stew, lentil and tomato soup, oat bread are all divided into portions and are in the fridge or freezer as appropriate. I also have some nice mange tout, sweet corn and fine beans which can make up a lovely stir fry with some turkey or fish, couscous and spices added.
So this should keep me on track for the week. Here's hoping!!
Molly if anyone knows how to pull back and sort things you do!! x :) x
Hiya Molly,just popping in to subscribe and say hello xx
Thanks hon and I'll look for your thread too.