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Total loss on cambridge - 2 stone 11lb
Total loss on cambridge - 2 stone 11lb
Well today was great. I thought it'd be fine, as the weekends are easier, and there's nothing in the house I'd want to eat. Feeling good at the moment, hoping I feel just as good tomorrow! How'd you do Liz?
Yay well done Jo! Today was obviously the right daywell done!! Xx
Current loss: 25lbs and 18.5inches
Yeah must've beenDay 1 passed with no hunger/cravings etc, hoping Day 2 is similarly pain free but realistic it may be a bit more challenging. How are you getting on?
I know you'll tackle this in the same way as you did yesterday. Eye on the prize hun! I'm good, me and my daughter have been swimming and for a 1.5 mile walk. Had a SS+ meal last night at my mates and I'm still feeling very dedicatedjust had the Cambridge jelly, amazing!!! Current loss: 25lbs and 18.5inches
Yeah I feel OK todayThink I'm feeling the beginning of a headache, but hoping that'll fall overnight when I'm asleep! Feel like I've totally got the need for food out of my system and actually very glad I took the break, seeing this as a totally fresh start now. Glad you're doing well too
You got much more to lose?
Cambridge jelly is wonderful stuff!!!
Yeah I've only got 6 weeks til my wedding and want to focus on losing a bit more and stabilising in that time. I can definitely do another 6 weeks cause I've done that before. Seeing this as a new day 2 rather than however many days down the line I am, because that way it all feels more achievable. Even if the losses are a little slower, getting into the habit of doing the exercise will defo help with maintenance in future.
I think I want to do SS for 2 weeks then a week on each step. Tempting to stay on step 2 until the wedding for better losses, but prob a good idea to do the steps so I don't end up with a massive carb regain.
Oh dear!! Exercise can be dangerous ha.
Why dont you do SS/SS+ for 4 weeks, a week on 810 and then a week on 1000 so the carbs are back in your body? then you'll have decent weight loss between now and then but also not make yourself ill for the wedding?
haha it really is. I i had goggles mark all night as well lol feel fine today, apart from a pulled muscle in my neck :/