Is anyone starting Cambridge January 2014? Lets support each other!

You look fab hun! Hope I look like that soon. U must be so happy :)

week 1 - 10 lbs
week 2 - 4 lbs
week 3 - +3.5lbs (after a few days off plan)
week 4
week 5
Thanks :) yes I do. Also good that my other half treated me to the jacket as he said it looked good. Bless him.
Having a good Saturday? X

Wk 1 -8lb
Wk2 -6lb
Wk3 -3lb
Wk4 -4lb
Wk5 -3lb
Wk6 -3lb
Wk7 -3lb
Hi krazzed, how are you, hope you and your dad are ok. Your manager has tried to ring me, but every time she rings I'm working ha ha. I will call her on Monday, thanks for giving her my number x
Hehe I'm okay left my dad's yesterday and he seems better than he was thanks. How you doing? I've just made a lemon drizzle cake for my fiance.... Resisting the temptation to lick all the spoons and eat the whole bloody lot. Why do I do this to myself haha. I had a hot chocolate shake today because I was craving hot chocolate but it didn't really work :( must keep focused....

week 1 - 10 lbs
week 2 - 4 lbs
week 3 - +3.5lbs (after a few days off plan)
week 4
week 5
That's nice of your other half... He's going to have to treat you to a whole new wardrobe soon haha

week 1 - 10 lbs
week 2 - 4 lbs
week 3 - +3.5lbs (after a few days off plan)
week 4
week 5
Hehe I'm okay left my dad's yesterday and he seems better than he was thanks. How you doing? I've just made a lemon drizzle cake for my fiance.... Resisting the temptation to lick all the spoons and eat the whole bloody lot. Why do I do this to myself haha. I had a hot chocolate shake today because I was craving hot chocolate but it didn't really work :( must keep focused.... week 1 - 10 lbs week 2 - 4 lbs week 3 - +3.5lbs (after a few days off plan) week 4 week 5
ha ha I know what you mean, I've got this very strange thing going on, I have to cook for my husband and my son, and I cook them all my favourites also bake cakes for them,!! I think I like the challenge??!? Well done for resisting and glad you and your dad are ok. I'm doing ok I've lost 35 pounds so far so half way there.
Thanks I will do when I get to two stone mark I think :)

week 1 - 10 lbs
week 2 - 4 lbs
week 3 - +3.5lbs (after a few days off plan)
week 4
week 5
Miss how long you been going so far again... I have such a bad memory!!!

week 1 - 10 lbs
week 2 - 4 lbs
week 3 - +3.5lbs (after a few days off plan)
week 4
week 5
That's such good losses both of you!!! Your consultants must be proud. How much are we supposed to lose per month on ss?

week 1 - 10 lbs
week 2 - 4 lbs
week 3 - +3.5lbs (after a few days off plan)
week 4
week 5
Your suppose to loss a stone a month. I done 12lb last month so just under that.
Have a good Sunday xx

Wk 1 -8lb
Wk2 -6lb
Wk3 -3lb
Wk4 -4lb
Wk5 -3lb
Wk6 -3lb
Wk7 -3lb
Ahh okay well I've lost the 3.5 lbs I put on last week this week so takes my back to a stone. Maybe I'll shed some more today lol. By end of week 5 want to lose another 3-4 lbs fingers crossed!

week 1 - 10 lbs
week 2 - 4 lbs
week 3 - +3.5lbs (after a few days off plan)
week 4
week 5
Completed 22 laps at the pool today woop. Not sure if that's any good but yay for exercising :)

week 1 - 10 lbs
week 2 - 4 lbs
week 3 - +3.5lbs (after a few days off plan)
week 4
week 5
Well done! Great considering you're sole sourcing!

I hit my next mini goal today, yay! I took a laxative last night, and have been really poorly today! Agonising cramps and feeling dizzy and weak. I'm back in bed and feeling sorry for myself!

Still, at least I'm under 14 stone!
Well done funny farm. I had to take one yesterday too and woke up at 5 I'm agony. Does anyone else go swimming and if so how many do you do. Trying to gauge where I am lol

week 1 - 10 lbs
week 2 - 4 lbs
week 3 - +3.5lbs (after a few days off plan)
week 4
week 5
Well done funny farm :)

Krazzed that's fab re swimming. I wouldn't compare it to what others not on the diet are doing.

I've spent most if the day reading and just finished a really good book. Does anyone read much? I prob read a book a week at the mo as distraction. X

Wk 1 -8lb
Wk2 -6lb
Wk3 -3lb
Wk4 -4lb
Wk5 -3lb
Wk6 -3lb
Wk7 -3lb
Hi guys, had a pretty poor weekend, my grandpa passed away, he had an amazing life, but I have struggled to keep on ss. The family met up to discuss funeral arrangements over lunch so I had a Sunday dinner today and a pudding (I don't even like puddings) AND crisps !!! Realised how much of an emotional eater I am.

Feeling pretty rubbish but am just going to move on and not dwell on it.

on a lighter note(no pun intended) I did a 30 min work out on the vibration plate yesterday and can hardly move tonight - I'm hurting!!

hope all you lovely ladies are doing well, constipation problems aside, if there is a minor earth tremor you know I've managed to go to the loo- and after what I have stuffed my face with I hope that's sooner rather than later!
Hi everyone, hope all ok. I don't read as much as I'd like to, what book have u just finished?? Is it worth a read. I tend to read Patricia cornwell books, and yes I have been on cambridge since 2nd of jan, gone so quickly.well done for swimming krazzed, did u get tired easily ??