You have to save money where you can. So for example value tinned toms, beans, value frozen veg, value pasta, loose rather than pre-pack fruit and veg is usually cheaper. Get a piece of stewing steak with no fat and ask the butcher to mince it for you. If they won't do it in the supermarket they certainly will in a butchers.
for herbs and spices and tins such as kidney beans and chick peas look in the world food isle they are usually much cheaper than in the supermarket herb isle. Make gravey out of oxo cubs, not as thick as normal gravy but free and the supermarket ones are free too. Check out the offer tables and be prepaired to change you meal plan slightly to fit in something that is reduced but needs eating right away.
If you want to save money you have to do the work . This is coming from a person who did this BEFORE SW. I have the same amount of money to speand on shopping as I ever did, which is not a lot but we eat well. My OH does all the cooking and has always cooked from scratch, so I suppose our eating habits haven't changde that much, we just make better choices now, but we have aways been on a tight budget. SW hasn't changed that, we make it work because we want to lose the weight. It's so much easier to eat the stuff that is obviously on offer, but the supermarkets don't MAKE you buy that stuff they are NOT your friend they are their to make you spend as much money as possible. No good thing happens without you putting some effort in, loseing weight, eating well even having friends unless you speand the time you won't get anything back!
Don't mean to sound ranty, so sorry if it comes across that way, just had to brain dump!! x