My husband has been doing S W for sometime now. He is diabetic, not on drugs though, and had a scare a while back as his bloods werent good and he panicked and said thats it, I will have to lose weight. He initially did very well and has lost 1.5stone, but his weight is the same now since Feb. Yes life gets in the way, and he has a lot of business lunches. He doesnt understand the plan and doesnt want to. I plan and cook all his meals ( I am a target member). I feel of late his heart isnt in it anymore. He went on a blokes holiday a couple of weeks ago so that wasnt good. He stayed over in a hotel last night on a works night out - again not good. I thought today I could really get him back on plan. We went to Costco and I was going to do a salmon meal tonight. I said to him only suggesting ............... try not to nibble your way round the free samples, I am only suggesting though! Whilst I was looking at the salmon he went over to a lady and took a sample of something off her. I saw red! He told me it was "only a little bit of beef lasagne". Back in the car total silence from both of us, I have ripped all his stickers (my c gave me them for him, he doesnt attend group) off the wall. I just feel so let down, I work so hard trying to keep him on track but I feel this has been the final straw. Am I being too hard, as I am really into S W, or what do others think. He has gone to the gym now and told me not to cook anything for him tonight.!!!