Is it possible to diet after an eating disorder?

A very interesting thread. I guess for some of us the ED is about fear of getting out of control, and binge/purge is a fight between losing and regaining control. Having control over what I eat is important to me, but I don't want to have to 'police' my eating 24 hours a day. I am thinking planning a week's healthy menu in advance might be a good idea, but also reminding myself that going 'offplan' although it may not be a good choice, is not a failure it's just what humans do. I can then hopefully get straight back on plan without letting it get out of control. I'm not sure if food demons every totally disappear - but maybe they can be pushed so far into the background they are easier to ignore.
I think you're probably right about food daemons never completely going away. I suppose I would like to find some kind of middle ground: at the moment I can be rigid about what I eat (and weigh everything that I eat, stick to plan regimentally etc, weigh myself every day) or completely the opposite, and then find myself teetering on the edge of the binge-purge cycle again. I'm sure that ultimately I will get to this Holy Grail "middle ground" that other people call normal!

How's the hypnotherapy going susieb77?
I am currently trying to loose weight HEALTHILY when in the past I have always done so incredibly unhealthily. My weight has always yo-yo'd probably best fitting the EDNOS criteria, 2 years ago the 6 months prior to my wedding i was surviving off beetroot, olives, and cottage cheese n the odd chicken breast. Not much but it helped me along with some bought online now unable to obtain diet pills to loose over 5 stone in just over 8 months. I have since put it all back on and am determind to loose healthily this time. I am here, please feel free to chat, don't struggle alone.

Lea x
This is a really interesting thread.
I like the phrase "disordered eating" - it's pretty much what I have been doing for years. Following a bout of depression I took to binge eating. Never the purging, but I've regularly sat in my room stuffing packets of biscuits and chocolate down my face until I felt sick. At some times that would be every day. Which is how I ended up the size I am.
I've just started a sort of loose-Atkins and I'm hoping it helps me to lose weight. Hopefully I won't crave bad foods like before. So far so good but I have only just started.
Here's hoping anyway.
I'm so glad that this thread is here. Last time i tried to lose weight i ended up starving myself, od'ing on laxatives, purging and occasionally binging.

The only reason i joined this forum was to meet people who would hopefully support me and stop me going down that path again. The thought of dieting and ending up back in that place, scares the hell out of me and i honestly never want to feel that way again.

I can sympathise with you and i know how hard it is, hopefully we can all support one another regardless of cirumstances.
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I'm bookmarking this thread as I have to go out but I want to come back and read all the way through. It's taken me many years to realise that I can't "diet" any more - it's too dangerous. I have to go forward with a "healthy eating for life" approach, which isn't a quick fix by any means. I think it'll be with me for life and I just have to avoid putting myself in situations that inevitably end with binging and purging.

Hey Rainstar, I wondered the exact same thing. I seem to relapse into the binge purging cycle when try to diet. Its so hard like I loose control, I can sympathize with you.
I think what helps the most is thinking lots, and practising behaviours. Also starting small.
If you're trying to resist something and you know you'll give in, dont fight, allow yourself some (not giving in, permitting yourself) and find a way to not eat it all (if its something big)

I went mad eating easter eggs last year and at one point I actually threw a load out of the window!!

I work in a kitchen too and theres always something to pick on, my arch nemesis is the chip scuttle that is often full of chips.
Some days I promise to have not one single chip and I do manage it, other days when im overworked, tired, hungry, the chips win. But I pick my food apart, I bite bits, spit bits out. many times my co-workers see me bite a chip then throw the rest away (they think Im mad) (I probably am!)

Anyway, my point is that its small steps and damage limitation, never thing 'oh thats blown it' 'oh might as well eat the lot' no, you really are better off leaving even the smallest bite of food. And I think the more I practice this, the easier it gets. And when things go tits up, dont give in!
i certainly hope so as i suffered from bulimia, however instead of binge eating id eat very little and only salads or something, and then id vomit it all came back i am hoping i will beable to not go back like i was
I'm so glad that this thread is here. Last time i tried to lose weight i ended up starving myself, od'ing on laxatives, purging and occasionally binging.

The only reason i joined this forum was to meet people who would hopefully support me and stop me going down that path again. The thought of dieting and ending up back in that place, scares the hell out of me and i honestly never want to feel that way again.

I can sympathise with you and i know how hard it is, hopefully we can all support one another regardless of cirumstances.

I wasn't sure how to put it into words but this pretty much sums up how I feel. I have no idea how I used to restrict/starve myself so much and why I'd take laxatives until I was in pain. I would live off two things and now I can hardly tolerate them.
I get so upset seeing my old pictures and I don't want to go back there but now at the other end of the scale I'm unhappy here too. I'm worried that my idea of middle ground won't be what I want when I get there or I won't be able to maintain it!
Evy_Starlight said:
Hello Rainstar hun,
I saw this post and had to drop by, I hope you don't mind! My personal experience hasn't been exactly like yours but I will say that I have had a history of bingeing. I used to buy large quantities of food and eat it all in one go even when I felt sick, and I would even get aggressive and upset when caught in the act. I felt so guilty...
The first time I lost weight was using the Cambridge Diet for a special event at school, and I lost 2 stone successfully. However, soon after coming off the diet I met my current boyfriend and ate socially. As I put on weight my self-esteem plummeted and I soon began to not only overeat but also to binge as I used to do before.
Now comes the ray of sunshine in this tale: one day I just decided that enough was enough. I don't know whether it was the research paper on diabetes that I'd chosen to write for my Health and Social Care A-Level, or my relationship starting to fail due to my ever-falling self-esteem, or just whether I'd plain old gotten fed up of the way I was... but I just started a new diet. I tried low-carb, saw good results and was happy, and as time has passed I have changed my diet to suit me using my own intuition and not what 'experts' (I'm talking about trashy magazines here, not people like Dr Atkins and Rosemary Connelly who are actually good and influential people who have helped many many people to lose weight) say I should eat. Cabbage diet? What a load!
Anyway, ramble over, I'd just like to say that it is indeed possible. I've been several months with only one binge relapse, where I sat down and carefully looked at why I did it and what I could do to avoid doing it again, without punishing myself for it and ending up in a vicious cycle of yo-yoing again. I have identified the 'trigger' foods that are more likely to make me overeat and I have either eliminated or substituted them for better foods. That isn't to say that I won't accept a piece of chocolate or a crisp from a friend, but I sure won't buy a packet or especially not a six-pack or I'd eat it all! :eek:
As my stats show, I'm just over half way on my journey to a weight I never thought I would ever be in my life, but for the first time ever I feel like I can achieve it...not tomorrow, not next week, but I will. I have no doubt. Because I'm not on a diet, I'm living a new way of life that I will always change to suit my health, no longer my greed or my emotions.
Lastly I just want to say, that if you want to ask me about anything, or if you just need some support, I will help you, and I'm sure many of the wonderful people here at MiniMins will also rally round to ensure that you are happy and most of all...healthy.
Take care of yourself xx

Evy_Starlight - just wanted to say how inspirational I found your post. I could really relate :)

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I have had decades of anorexia then binge eating. I find SW is great to help me eat in a more "normal" way. It is good healthy food too so my body is getting the vitamins etc I need instead of binge junk. I had a full stomach amd overweight body but malnourished at the same time.
I am going to. I'm going to recover while dieting and get to my goal weight. I guess its mind over matter. brain over heart.
I've suffered with bulimia for the past 4 years, weight has gone up and down within 3 or 4 stone, have mostly done slimming world but it's so hard not to binge and purge if i feel slightly guilty for what i've ate. I decided to give lipotrim a go, i'm now on day 10 and have lost a stone... it really is a hard diet but since your not allowed any food at all just the shakes theres nothing to feel guilty about, i've not even thought about being sick or binge eating.... have been looking for something that suits me for years and i'm hoping this is going to be it, if you've got the will power i recommend it, i'm gona try and get as much off as i can and then hopefully i can get myself back into healthy eating habbits... this diet is learning me that food is fuel and not to be so emotionally connected to it, makes sense when you think about it, don't know why I didnt try this years ago :)
Oh my word PLEASE DON'T inflict another diet upon yourself. I hope I am not being rude here but i don't think it is what you are putting in your mouth that is causing you the problem - I think it's more likely to be what you are putting in your head! I had similar issues for many years and ended up having counselling whcih was really the only thinh that helped. I am of course still carrying too much weight but the difference now is that I don't make a big deal about it. I think the secret to getting your weight off and keeping it off is to deal with the reasons you overeat in the first place. I got a really great book called " When you eat at the refrigerator, pull up a chair" and it really made sense in a simple way about the whole emotional eating thing. Good luck