Isn't anyone else calorie counting?

I can't do the very low calorie diet, either, you are not alone. The meal replacement stuff doesn't work for me long-term and I need to make more of a life change and form some good habbits (eg exercise, eating better, taking vitamins). I am eating between 1375 and 1650 calories each day, it depends on how much I exercise - originally I had calculated to around 1685 with food focus; but I realized I may not be active enough for that, so I am varying the amount. Also, two days a week I take my puppy to a class so he can socialize with other dogs and this is constant movement for about 2 hours (mostly playing). I eat my extra calories most of the time :).

Some days are tougher than others, like today when the free lunch was chinese food (sweet and sour and the chicken with stirfy noodles are both big temptations!). As I was waiting in line, trying desprately to rationalize why I would sabotage myself, and how I could manage to only eat a little I realized that everything I was looking at was just chalk full of calories and covered in fat! So I took some bread and made an open-faced sandwhich. I'll make some lower calorie sweet and sour here at the house sometime this week. At least then I can track how much goes into it.
thats a good idea! well done for resisting!!! just back from my walk, always feel better after exercising! yeah i know what you mean about trying to get into good habits. i think if i had started out on a vlcd, by the time id got to my target weight, i would have no idea what to eat and what not to eat. its better to make a complete lifestyle change x
I am usually relaxed at the end of my day. Today, though, my pup and I had that class and on top of that we spent an hour in the park, plus my usual walking/stair climbing and I added 5 minutes elliptical on top. I’m beat! I feel good and I know I am going to sleep like a rock. I wonder why we feel so good after exercise, do you suppose its the endorphins? It's weird, but I like the burn in my legs when I have been walking real fast for a while - it makes me feel like I am doing something right, if that makes any sense.

One of the bad habbits that I have that I am trying to break is snacking. Snacking isn’t necessarily bad, but I nibble very small amounts of things throughout the day – and it adds up (darn it!). I have left myself 300 calories to spend on my nibbling, because that’s about what it totals up to at the end of the day.
im not actually having much of a problem with snacking, which is odd for me. i just have my 3 meals a day and drink LOADS of water during the day, it seems to help.
I am still doing pretty good. I like the flexibility of being able to have something "naughty" in moderation :)
I'm calorie counting :) I'm on around 1450 a day to lose 2lb a week. I'm using WLR too :)

Today i've decided to have a 'maintainance' day :eek: as i've got a migraine coming (hormonal - TOTM) and i always get absolutely ravenous when i'm expecting a migraine.

My theory is that if i 'allow' mysef up to 2450 calories today, then i won't be beating myself up about it, whereas if i stick to my 1450 and go way over by being so hungry, i'm going to be feeling really bad and will probably end up saying "hwat the heck - i've blown it now!"

That's my warped way of thinking anyway ;) :D lol
That makes sense beki, rather be in control of the extra calories than think sod it and then loose the control over what you are eating completely. I 110% understand the TOTM-therefore-i-must-eat-the-entire-contents-of-the-fridge feeling (it is infact responsible for my binge of 5 weightwatchers chocolate brownies yesterday.....)

Hello btw, im new! Im on a low calorie diet - trying to loose about 6st 5 in the long term. Im averaging about 1500 cals a day but i find that if i say im allowed 1500 then even if i am full i will eat more if i still have calories left to use. So im mainly eating vegetables (im veggie) and am having 3 solid meals a day with a 50 cal snack inbetween them. On top of this i am allowed one naughty meal a week - nothing too bad, just something i wouldnt let myself have otherwise. In the last week and a half since i started i have lost 3lb which is good. Exercise wise i do 10 hrs skiing a week for work and when i go back to uni next week im going to renew my gym membership.

SO thats my attempt at a diet and i really hope it works - anyone think there are any improvements i can make on it?
