It’s been over a decade - back here to get comfy


8 t whole wheel of cheese
I started my Minimins journey a loooong time ago. 15 years? I lost just over two stone. I’m currently still sitting just above that weight loss - I’ve managed to stay around there, but I need to come down a stone. I need to be less lumpy and bumpy. I need to fit into my clothes properly. My boobs are too big again.

So, here I am. I’m not officially weighing until Friday but I did kick things off yesterday. I don’t like CC and I’ve done SW before but I can’t stick to it so I’m going to kind of do my own thing and assess how I’m getting on. Let’s see. There’s a dress I want to get into by Christmas - at the moment my boobs are being suffocated by it! So that’s my first aim - get into that dress.

Wish me luck!

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This morning my daughter made me breakfast in ned which was adorable but more than I would usually have. I ate it anyway - two slices of brown toast, two babybels, no butter on the toast but a little low sugar jam.

Because of this I’m looking to have a low calorie lunch so I’m thinking quick and easy bowl of tomato soup.

This evening is roast chicken, rice and salad.

I’ll update later - hopefully I won’t sneak much else in!

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Morning @elle2585, great to see you back.
Ok so the last couple of days have been a little hit and miss, back to school and work. I’ve weighed in this morning at:

12st 12 1/4 (specifically! )

My aim for now is 12st 3. If I can be between 12 & 12 st 3 by Christmas I’ll be a happy lady! Honestly, I’m not the sort of person who can do a very strict diet. I’m very much a slow and steady. I still like to enjoy my life and the food that comes along with it – so, for example, if I’m going out, I probably won’t be dieting at that point. However, the rest of the time I am going to try my damnest. I am used to the slimming world way of doing things so I’ll be loosely going about things the same way. This means I don’t have to weigh out food. There will be some kind of calorie counting alongside, where possible. Let’s see if it works!

When I started my weight loss journey all those years ago I was 16 stone so the fact that I have managed to stay in the 12 stone area is something that I am proud of. I’m just not quite comfortable in the end of that stone.

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