Hi everyone
thanks for asking about me beth its been a mad week. Only a week has gone since manney had to be put to sleep
but my hubby couldnt live with the emptiness of house so went out and he got a free puppy from a sheep farm. Paige named him ben!! Hes a lovely little dog.only 8 weeks old which means i can barely leave the house and am constantly cleaning up poop!!! Like having another baby. Cant wait to start taking him for walks hes gonna need loads of exercise and stimulation so ive vowed to myself this os a new beginning for me.
However struggling with food as we have zero money so cant afford much leaving not much interesting food to eat. When lee gets paid emd of month gonna get some slim fast as think it will help with the non good food to eat situation. Hopefully money will get easier as we catch up with ourselves plus lee is doing loads of overtime.
Were thinking about booking a holiday for next year so we have time to pay for it but really unsure if its wise with money being tight but in april next year we should be about 250 better of a month!!
God i hate money ... When you loose everything you realise the worth of money and how to live on zero. It makes me jealous.when i se people spending what they lile. Sorry for my rant i know it'll get easier
sarah xx
thanks for asking about me beth its been a mad week. Only a week has gone since manney had to be put to sleep
However struggling with food as we have zero money so cant afford much leaving not much interesting food to eat. When lee gets paid emd of month gonna get some slim fast as think it will help with the non good food to eat situation. Hopefully money will get easier as we catch up with ourselves plus lee is doing loads of overtime.
Were thinking about booking a holiday for next year so we have time to pay for it but really unsure if its wise with money being tight but in april next year we should be about 250 better of a month!!
God i hate money ... When you loose everything you realise the worth of money and how to live on zero. It makes me jealous.when i se people spending what they lile. Sorry for my rant i know it'll get easier
sarah xx