Evening all. Its time for a self reflective post so if you thats not your thing, please look away now.
For the past few days, I have watched myself spiral out of control and I don't just mean my eating.
I suffer with long term depression and BPD. More recently it has been manageable most of the time as long as I don't put too much pressure on myself but that has not been the case this week.
OH was supposed to be getting test results on Friday and then they phoned at the last second to say they couldn't do it and he had to wait another two weeks (after already waiting 2 1/2 weeks) to get an appointment. This is for our fertility investigations and I think it was this point I started to spiral.
In December it will be a total of 5 years since we started trying. We waited a long time to start testing as a serious depressive episode made most things take a back seat and I couldn't imagine bringing a child into the world in that sort of environment. Anyway, our first appointment to talk about it was last October, so its been a year so far and we have got nowhere. I just want the tests to be over so we know either way. Then we can move on and plan for things instead of putting everything on hold in hope. Ergo why i started to spiral on Friday.
I've put a massive amount of pressure on myself to lose weight for IVF purposes and looking good at vow renewal so when I gained on Monday morning it was another knock back.
We are also saving for our holiday of a lifetime so there is very little money to spare. Because I work from home, I don't go out and socialise as much as I should and a lack of money also adds to this. This does not help my depression as I become a hermit, finding any excuse not to go out, even if it costs nothing,
The final straw was yesterday when i decided to call up the fertility clinic and book in private tests. It wasn't that so much as the questionnaires you need to fill out. One of them being an assessment on whether they think you would be a fit parent. I took it more personally than I should have and I hit bottom for the first time in a while and I mean serious pitty party time. Its not fair, why can nothing in our lives be easy, whats the point in it all. Everything we are doing is just making us unhappy. You get the idea. I ate a huge cheesecake, which I didn't want, to make myself feel better, which it didn't, spent a load of money I shouldn't have and sobbed about how hard life can be.
Today I have woken up and am doing my best to have a clean sheet. I've eaten to the SW rules for one.
I still think I will turn up to this appointment and pay £400 just for them to say "yeah you havent had a kid because you are too fat" but I am going anyway.
I've paid bills I have neglected this week and I have picked myself up.
I expect a gain on the scales on Saturday but I will go anyway. You can't move on otherwise
I'm writing all this to remind myself that these days will happen, that tomorrow it won't look so bad and also that its ok to feel like this.
Life isn't easy. Things are sent to try us and some people are having a worse day than me.
Sadness is ok as long as you don't let it drown you
A gain is ok as long as it doesn't control you
Everyone falls. We need to be the ones that pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off and carry on.