It can be done - My before's and Afters

Thanks Jim - I'll go searching x
Those piccies are lovely Jim - she's a little lovely isn't she x
LOL, Yes, but i'm biased love. :)
Thanks Mel, it's not the weightloss that's hard, it's maintaining it!
here's a photo from Saturday, Watching the Rugby. :)
LOL, It's on my mobile, it was a cheer. :) I was supporting the Italians, 'cos my mate is welsh. ;)
he's just emailed me some better quality photo's


emergency rations. :)

Well he might be a mate but he's Welsh Gem. ;)
Such prejudice my "Brummy" friend !!!!!!!!!!!!
That wasn't a "proper" pasty - it was made in Cornwall but that's as far as it goes x
Wash your mouth out Gem, I'm no brummy. LOL

Yes abz, it was mine love, just a little snack during the rugby booze marathon. :) I know it's not a proper oggin Gem, but I can't get them up here in the midlands. :)
Thank You. That's nice to hear.
Thanks David, I was on Atkins, still am as a matter of fact, I'm on Atkins maint.