It is time to admit I have an eating disorder..

Willbefab, what is pm and how do I do it? I really really need to know more about it. The hypnotist charges a ridiculous amount of money but i am willing to pay if that helps me. Can we talk through email?
Elida, my heart goes out to you. It really does. In my family we are all over eaters. I am fortunate or unfortunate that I don't put much weight on ( the maximum I have ever put and that was recently was a stone )

The reason I say I am unfortunate is because even though I have not really put on much weight I have affected my health greatly by eaten in a way that ,according to the doctor that saw me, I was digging my grave very early!

It all started a few years ago after 20 or more years of eating rubbish... and in large quantities!
I don't cook ( or didn't before this diet ) so I would eat lots and lots of fat, fried junk food, and also very large quantities of cakes and sweets. I would for example have a WHOLE cheese cake for tea time... burger and chips for dinner... etc. Every day!
I started feeling ill after this abuse and went to the doctor who after carrying out the pertinent tests said he was very worried and that I was pre diabetic. Said I had to change IMMEDIATELY my eating habits or i would become very sick, very quickly.

Well to make a very long story short I have tried to eat more healthy ever since... but I still have bad days ( two days ago I binged.. big time on sweets!!!! again!!! ).

I am on stabilization but for me I feel that I have to look at myself as almost a recovering alcoholic.I have to be very careful.

I felt so guilty, so bad after binging.... I felt everything beginning to crumble.. I miss my junk food SO MUCH. But I can't and won't succumb to it. Food is NOT going to control me. So, while I have the odd day ( thank God is not very often ) where i go overboard, I am strong enough to say to myself... "ok, you had that... its ok. Its not good for you, not healthy but you can continue in the right path. No need to do it again.You can eat this type of food but in small quantities and not often... that food is not going to be extinct in the next few days so that you have to eat it all in one go!. There will always be that type of food. So take it easy. Savour it slowly. then continue with the healthy eating" And it works! it calms me down and I then move on.

I am not sure if all this rambling makes sense to you or if it would help you in your case but... what i am trying to say or show you here is that we can all cope in different ways with our problems. Maybe you can rationalise,like i did, the over eating and find a way to deal with it... to manage it. So that when and if you fall off the wagon you can get straight on it!.

Sorry for the long post... I hope you can find something that you can accommodate to your particular case.

Fingers crossed for you!:fingerscrossed:

Sending you lots of good energy your way!!!!:vibes:
I was on tfr and never felt better, it only took a few sweets at haloween to send me into a complete carbocide meltdown. As a ''recovered'' drink and drug addict....I use the term ''recovered'' loosely as while I have been chemically clean for years, I have really just shut my demons up with food.
If you can seek out a good counsellor it will help but I am beginning to think that not only is this a bigger problem than anyone lets on, I think we need a place to discuss such feeling towards food in a safe way.
I applaud you for admitting your problems and as We have clearly some class of food issue popping up so regularly maybe we can all help each other. I tried to broach the subject in another thread but I didn't get any reply.
It was easier kick my other addictions as you don't have to rely on them to survive.
I think a lot of us can relate to an unhealthy relationship with food. I transferred my addiction from smoking to food 10 years ago. The smoking kept my weight down, and it shot up after I stopped but I've been in denial for a while. I simply disguised it by getting bigger clothes! Then I saw my new passport photo, in which I bore a striking resemblance to my grandmother, and thought, I'm not ready for this! And fortunately Dr D came along to steer me in the right direction.
I'm sure you will find a way of managing the urge to binge - it's just practice and remembering what works for you. We are all work in progress!
Losit - I'm sorry we missed your post previously. I am an obsessive eater, and have always spoken openly about it. Where I hesitate to be too vocal, however, is that while the ladies (our men have disappeared) are happily Cruising, all is usually well... perhaps the odd few might have a binge, but it's rare. Even I do well on attack / cruise as I thrive on the planning and discipline required.

Problems can return on Conso for those with eating disorders and so I've always hesitated to burst bubbles and depress people who think they are "cured" (while they're in Cruise).

Perhaps it should indeed be a subject we discuss more openly. People come and go - such is life in forums on the internet - and so we don't get a true picture of life "after Dukan" for most.

Because of my dieting history (most of my life), and experience with Dukan (four years now, and I'm heavier now than when I discovered it!), I know that I'll always be on some form of diet all my life. As Xehorus says, in Stabilisation, provided the binges are not happening too frequently, we can keep our weight in check.

However, in Cruise, the whole machine breaks down each time we cheat, and the diet works less well at each restart, hence I try to recommend a "clean" approach to the diet! Some quote "real life" at me, but I quote it right back. "Real life" got most of us where we ended up, weight wise, and only by looking forward can we move on...

I'm not there yet (mentally speaking) eight years after losing 11 stone...
Jo, so true, thank you! Real life is what got us where we were exactly.
In real life I make bad food choices and eat larger quantities and the weight is increasing slowly.. This can happen to anyone for a while, on vacation, on business trips, mine is constant. But being on a diet with limited choices triggered something that I didn't know I had, after all these years, I thought I was completely healed. Apparently not!
I have a bigger problem than binge eating disorder I think.. but I am too scared to go online to check what this is. Maybe you never get over blumia totally or maybe it has some other name, I have no idea.
But I will not get obsessed with it. All I can do right now is follow the plan as I am supposed to through cruise and conso, like you and Curvy say I will not relax into conso, I will think of it as cruise with the extra cheese and bread..
I agree with not restarting diets too often, I was going to start TFR again but realise it's not the answer, that's why after my little pity party last night I get up this morning and will take it one meal and mouthfull at a time.
I'm looking at doing Dukan as it was recommended to me by some one else. I also had a gp tell me to wise up to the fact that I was eating myself into an early grave so we owe it to uorselves to eat better.
So I guess all we can do is our best.