Losit - I'm sorry we missed your post previously. I am an obsessive eater, and have always spoken openly about it. Where I hesitate to be too vocal, however, is that while the ladies (our men have disappeared) are happily Cruising, all is usually well... perhaps the odd few might have a binge, but it's rare. Even I do well on attack / cruise as I thrive on the planning and discipline required.
Problems can return on Conso for those with eating disorders and so I've always hesitated to burst bubbles and depress people who think they are "cured" (while they're in Cruise).
Perhaps it should indeed be a subject we discuss more openly. People come and go - such is life in forums on the internet - and so we don't get a true picture of life "after Dukan" for most.
Because of my dieting history (most of my life), and experience with Dukan (four years now, and I'm heavier now than when I discovered it!), I know that I'll always be on some form of diet all my life. As Xehorus says, in Stabilisation, provided the binges are not happening too frequently, we can keep our weight in check.
However, in Cruise, the whole machine breaks down each time we cheat, and the diet works less well at each restart, hence I try to recommend a "clean" approach to the diet! Some quote "real life" at me, but I quote it right back. "Real life" got most of us where we ended up, weight wise, and only by looking forward can we move on...
I'm not there yet (mentally speaking) eight years after losing 11 stone...