It's a Long, Long Road To Wander All I am here. My Diary

Good to hear :)
What you up to?
Do you have a reading week coming up? Mine's next week, so looking forward to it!
Glad things are on the up! Guess what Liam- I'm going to Sydney on Friday for the concert, cannot wait! (After visit from scary uncle on Thursday, oh dear!) Have a good day my love!
No reading week for busy international politics students hehe. I have a seminar to prepare for tomorrow, then I am going to get started on one of my essays.

Enjoy concert. Why is said uncle scary?
Intimidating is probably a better word. He is big, and loud, and has a very forceful personality. Also- I didn't see him for more than thirty years, (due to parents divorce and fall out), so I don't know him all that well. He has being trying to mentor me business wise- reasonably successfully- and I do really like him. I just jump when he tells me too. And he thunders over the phone at me. I should feel only grateful, but am usually bathed too much in sweat to feel anything else but anxious! (His children- my cousins- unkindly refer to me as "the brain surgeon", there are all kinds of stresses associated with the relationship)

What is your essay about?
Oh dear. I am sure it will all be ok. Keep positive my fried.

My essay is for the module "Past and present of U.S. Intelligence". I haven't decided exactly what topic to look at, but I am inclined either towards signal intelligence in the Pacific in WWII or imagery intelligence in the early Cold War.

Additionally, I have to write a country report for my module on Latin America. I have chosen Cuba :D
Oh also have to submit my research proposal for my dissertation soon... eep

Big hugs to you :)
Big hugs back sweet boy!

My Uncle left a couple of hours ago, after a really positive visit, I wish he didn't scare me so! I think a lot of it is from the ancient history part- when we were kids, my father walked out, never to be seen again, (by us), and we didn't have any contact with his family after that, until about four years ago. (Uncle is my fathers brother, my father died in 2000) We were very poor, and I simply felt that I wasn't good enough. For decades.
My Uncle is really trying hard, but after spending time with him I always feel like I've been through a washing machine, and even the thought of ringing him gives me palpitations!

Your essays sound hard, but interesting! One year in dental school we had an essay topic; "The Maxillary Sinus". Which is an anatomical feature in the upper jaw. Hard topic, not so interesting!

Have a good one!
short and sweet time ;)
My GP appointment went well. Back to uni on Monday.

Aw I am sorry to hear of these difficulties. :( chin up minus
Concert was great- Pan Benator and the Bangles! Shopping all day today, I've spent a sickening amount of money, but had a ball doing so! Home tomorrow! Hope you are having a good one!
The concert sounds awesome :)

The essays not so much, I feel your pain Liam, lol.
I think i replied to that messagey thing you sent, but I'm not entirely sure...not too good with computers lol.
No reading week? At all? Bad times!
I'm a bit miffed that mine's the same week as the schools' half terms, it's manic in town and I was hoping to get some xmas shopping done...oh well.
Know what you're doing for dissertation yet? I'm supposed to be deciding for after xmas...eeeeep!

My dissertation is on realist International Relations theory.
Err I shall have to check if you replied haha!
Eurgh half term is awful. :p

What are you up to minus?
Why is half term so bad?

Hopefully I am putting in an offer to buy a building tomorrow. First I have to go to see my accountant and then my lawyer. I have a drs appointment between those two, so it is glamour all the way here!

The building has been really stressful. I hope to make it a commercial property, and it needs some work. It has a council permit, which is meant to cover everything, but I'm not convinced this is so. I have been to the bank, to the meetings, to the council, back to the meetings. (Once I ate two jam donuts on the way home from a meeting, and it was only two km from home. Tired that day!) The offer I'm submitting tomorrow is pretty low, and will probably be rejected. (I'll probably offer more in that case)

But- after mid afternoon tomorrow, I don't have to do anything about it until Monday. Hopefully I will have many hours out in the garden, which will make things look brighter!

How is your day going?
Yay congrats :)

Half term means that there's hundreds of kids swaming the streets and wreaking havoc, lol.
Thank you! Was going a bit feral with the stress, but feel better after spending most of today in the garden.
What are you doing this weekend?
Hi Liam,

Doing book work today. I am a better dentist than book keeper! Have just come back from a nice long walk, slightly stressed!

Hope you are having a good one, and that weekend was productive!