It's a Long, Long Road To Wander All I am here. My Diary

Yeh, pretty sure that it was over pay. North Wales doesn't really get much news coverage, even on the South Wales local news, so I'm in the dark.

Good news about the eating. I didn't go for that walk in the end. We should both get our butts in gear! lol

Handed in essay today! Yay! Doing another one now though :(
I managed to hack it down to about 50 words over on each bit, so I'm within the 10% wiggle room.

When you back to uni?
Once we were set the topic "The maxillary sinus" (which is a cavity in the upper jaw bone) for an oral surgery essay. What about it, you may well ask, but don't ask me, my essay hardly set the world on fire! Germaine Greer wrote in one of her books how lucky she was that she studied romantic lit as an undergraduate, at least it kept body and soul together, what, she questioned, would it be like to be a dentistry student in your late teens or early twenties?

Well, it wasn't much chop, I think, but studying anything is really, really, hard work I reckon.

Hope you are having a good one, Liam!
thank you. :)
just a little family difficulty mainly, and stress over university work.

:) thank you, you have cheered me up
Heya ducks, what's occuring?
Everyone's ill then, we call all be bloody miserable together, lol.
You on Easter hols yet?
Sorry sweet boy, must visit more often! Are you at home for hols now? I am having an epic clean up- I saw a show called Hoarders last week, and am now chucking, chucking, chucking. Hope the world is looking brighter!
it's not much of a holiday, given the amount of work I have to do, and the feelings of anxiety and stress... =/

i need to get away.