Hi Liam,
What is a dissertation? Does everyone have to do one to graduate? I remember Ria was writing hers just before she finished.
Oh, you won't believe, it, book keeping wasn't right. Have been going for another four hours tonight, found a few small errors, and then hit the jackpot, on the last day of the financial year, something had been entered as credit, instead of debit, or vice versa. Corrected that one, and it made the years totals worse, didn't that wipe the smile of my face! Have written poor book keeping instructor a long passionate email tonight, full of figures I can't work out. Am meant to be seeing accountant at the end of the week to hand it all over, but I'm not sure that will actually happen at this rate!
I love autumn too, except for I always feel a dread of winter, so autumn is sort of the beginning of the end for me, weather wise.
Hope you have a good one today darling boy!