I love exercise and always have. You will see from my signature that week 5 was a very low weight loss for me. This was down to over exercising. Lipotrim is such a very low calorie diet that our bodies really can't cope with too much exercise as we're probably already in about 1600 - 1800 deficit a day and then exercising increases the deficit too kuch that our bodies think we're starving so it startsnto hang on to our fat! In effect our bodies go intomstarvation mode.
Now I did go madmthat week. In 6 days I did the following:
Monday night - gym workout (lots of cardio & weights)
Tuesday night - 7 mile power walk
Wednesday night - swimming 40 lengths
Thurdsay night - 2.5hrs of salsa dancing
FridY night - 12 mile cycle rid
Saturday day - 5.5 mile walk in the hills
Sunday day - 3hrs of ironing & 2 hrs of scrubbing the kitchen
Monday night - Gym Workout
Tuesday night - weigh in and only lost 1.5lb!!!
So now I just go dancing every Thursday but take it easy and I may go f ro a walk at the weekend sometimes. Too scared to exercise as I'm already an active person so think I get enough exercise just day tomday living.
Just my experience so it may not affect you the same but only one way to find out