Well the weekend is nearly over - so I had better write my food up. I've been very good in that I've had just 3.5 syns all weekend. Which wasn't intentional, I was just full up so didn't feel the need to eat anymore. I know I should be eating more, but I really didn't want to, I was full and comfortable. And psychologically that seemed more important than eating syns just to do the min 5 per day recommendation.
Another point where I didn't follow the diet so well this weekend was the HEb - the fibrous stuff. I missed my usual cereal based breakfast as I'd run out of fruit (can't do milk and cereal, apart from porridge) - so I just had a banana and apple whilst sitting in bed working for 4 hours lol
I did do my weeks shop, as I've already said. It was HUGE! Cost me £84 before staff discount. Thank god for my staff discount is all I can say. That said, I really think I overdid it, so hopefully I will quite a small shop next weekend to make up for it. I just hope I don't go over my overdraft before pay day on Friday (yes money is a bit stressful atm - that is something else I'm trying to reduce this year; my debt!).
So cut a long story short, I didn't have my HEb yesterday, and today I am going to nick one of the kids multigrain Dr wotsit pitta breads and have that as my HEb. Probably strictly speaking I shouldn't, but given I've had very few syns I'm not going to worry too much. I am regarding this week also as my experimental week - sussing it all out. Obviously the scales will tell the real story, but I think I've mostly stuck to it. I definitely need to up my supergreens. I eat a lot of fruit, but seem to be not eating enough veg. That is fine, I can rectify that.
So my food.
Day 5 - Saturday 22nd January
Breakfast: banana and apple
Lunch/snack: apple
Tea: apple, supernoodles (
3.5 syns)
Dinner: savoury rice, chicken, frylight, paprika, green beans, with a banana and clementine for afters.
Throughout the day I drank tea with skimmed milk (HEa)
Total syns today: 3.5
Total syns for week: 43
Day 6: Sunday 23rd January
Breakfast: big cooked breakfast - 3 quorn sausages, baked beans, fry light, egg, 4 rashers back bacon, mushrooms, tomatoes. Clementine afterwards (needed something sweet).
Lunch: 1.5 eggs, potato, frylight, garlic and seasoning, onions, baby leaf salad (tortilla & salad). Clementine for afters.
Tea: chicken tikka: chicken breast, fat free natural yoghurt, lemon juice, spices, fat free fromage frais, basmati rice. Dr thingummy multigrain pitta bread (HEb).
Cups of tea throughout day (this is my new addiction) - using skimmed milk (HEa).
I will no doubt have some more fruit later - perhaps a banana or apple.
Total syns for day: 0
Total syns for week: 43
I have had problems with indigestion this weekend - I do have IBS, but it usually only flares up these days in the from of very bad indigestion when I eat too much rubbish. So I'm surprised it's flaring up now. Maybe it's the fruit, but to be honest - that's not really much more than my usual amount, I normally eat a lot of fruit with no particular side effects. We shall see, I think I'll be sleeping with the hot water bottle again tonight thought.
I didn't get any exercise done this weekend. That is something I really need to redress. Hopefully I will get time for a swim tomorrow. I do 2 1/2 days working at home a week and I used to go for a swim once I'd done my hours and before I collected the bairn from school. I've got into the habit of working through though and not going swimming. So a habit there to change. Also my son wanted a pyjama day today (he does have a very hectic life, so I let him every so often) - as a result, we didn't go walking anywhere or out to the park. I'm going to teach him how to fix his puncture next Sunday though, so I'm hoping the weather is ripe for a bit of cycling.
Anyway, I must go cook the chicken tikka now - apparently his lordship (that would be my son) is "hungry starving". A woman's work is never done and all that!
Toodlepip slimmers!

p.s. weigh in tomorrow evening - I'm really nervous!!!!!