Sorry I have been gone a while. I have been totally distracted this week, trying to function with work, Easter holidays and 2 kids about, a cold etc. So - the weekend was a bust food wise and I decided to start concentrating on Monday. Then the in laws reminded me they hadn't taken me out for my birthday meal yet - which I have been putting off since my bday in August - so I decided to get that over and done with before they were totally insulted, since I had said after the diet and wedding I would do it. So - decided to start on Tuesday.
Tuesday I had a much better day - Slim fast breaky, salad lunch and soup dinner.
Today I had my slim fast breaky, then went to get a tattoo done Ive been planning on for ages, almost passed out through lack of sugar so had to quickly munch a mars and packet of crisps, and ended up having half a cheese sandwich on top. So now - I am planning on soup for dinner.
So - weigh in this morning was 10.13 and I really hope I get somewhere this week before Easter!
Plus I am now worrying at how easily distracted I am from work, when being self employed means I should be working more. I know there have been a lot of distractions this month but I can't keep making excuses and need to get my head down.
Im a bit irritated with myself in general at the moment, because I am just not getting on with things. My coursework is very far behind, which is not a problem because its a home learn course and I don't have a deadline, but I want to finish it, not drop it halfway. So -
I need kicking ladies!
Anyway - how are you all?