it's SATURDAY, let's do it hour by hour xxx

evening everyone, hope you've all had a good day. Saturday evening are hard :( hubby has a chinese takeaway and even though i don't like chinese it looks good! I think everything would look good at the moment! just had my butterscotch shake and have one shake left for later. Whats everyone up to this evening? x
Evening everyone

Had a great day - pushed my little boy through the park, walked around the old town, went to a fete and won a gigantic furry seal! My little boy was very pleased.

The sun was shining all day and just noticed that i have bright red shoulders and back - oops!

My trousers kept falling down as i was walking along! Not complaining but i dont want to buy any more clothes at the moment as hopefully i wont be in them for too long. Want to wait until i am at goal before i get a new wardrobe. In the meantime, I'll just have to keep yanking up my trousers lol

Just finishing off my toffee bar and then a coke zero. Drunk 3 litres today - wont have any more as otherwise i'll be up all night!

Felt quite hungry this evening again - was really tempted to have a meal - just chicken and veg - but determined to try and keep ss'ing until i reach at least 10st 7lb. Cant wait to have food again! If i dont get to 10st 7lb within the next 3 weeks then i will definitely go on to 790 as i dont think i could cope any longer. I always said i would give it a month and then see how i felt. After the first month i thought i would give it another but thats it.

Sorry i am rambling abit now!

Anyway, everyone have a nice evening
Evening guys, so sorry haven't posted until now...

You all sound positive today and all seem to have had good days...

Suns been shining here all day. I layed out this morning catching some rays that OH and his DS came over and the boys played in the paddling pool. Cooked them all hot dog and chips for their lunch.

I had first Tetra about 11:30am and then had a bar about 3pm. Have drunk 4L of water.

I've got to report that I am so proud of myself because we've just got home from a Bar-B-Q (been there since about 3:30pm) and I did it.. I only bloody well did it... sat there all afternoon in the beautiful sunshine with just my glasses of water.. I'd be lying if I said it was easy - there was so much food - my friend seemed to be cooking for hours. Every meat you could imagine, prawns, salmon, pasta, breads, dips, salad the complete works - it was his birthday so he'd made a lot of effort... At one point I said to my OH that I was really struggling and contemplated getting some salad and meat but I can't believe I resisted.. It would have been so easy to tell myself that it wouldn't hurt..

Weigh-in on Monday and then one more week then it's AAM. I'm having my own BBQ in 2 weeks and I've decided that as it's the end of my AAM week I will be eating.. I think that's kept me going. Plus it was easier because I wasn't preparing the food today so I could just steer clear of it - don't think I even went in the dining room where all the salad, pasta etc was - sat in the garden the whole time. Think I would struggle at my own, preparing the salads etc and not having any.

I'm so chuffed but you do feel a bit isolated when everyones drinking and stuffing their faces.. Women there of all sizes and you start thinking I don't look that bad why am I doing this etc..

I'm pleased I've resisted but at the moment I'm not basking in it, feeling bit sorry for myself probably - hope to see the benefit on Monday as WI.

SJ - that's funny my scales say I've only lost 2lbs as well - I'm hoping for at least another 1lb by Monday which will leave just another 3lb to do the next week when it will be 13th August and I want to be 14st.

Hope everyones had a good day and all having a nice relaxing evening... just off to eat my frozen tetra..
Well done Hannah, that must have been really hard!
Congrats Hannah that's fantastic. Bet you feel so proud of yourself for doing it and it'll make your trat in 2 weeks REALLY REALLY enjoyable xx
well done hannah that great u didnt give in to temptation, i have had a good day today 4ltrs :tear_drop: 1 shake and soup going to have my last shake of day in a mo, 2morrow is gonna be diffrent story tho as its my birthday and we are goin to my mums for the afternoon my sister and her family are gonna b there 2 so my mum is goona do bbq and i am really torn as wot to do seein as i havent cheated at all in 6wks (day1 wk7 today)
Hannah, omg how totally and utterly brilliant, you did soooooo well there, you won't regret it on Monday, if you had of eaten then you know how down you would be feeling now, well done for resisting, you are deffo gonna blow your first target out of the water.

I do hope you and I both get more than a 2 pounder on Monday... If we ss completely then why wouldnt we get more?? Yep, we'll do it.:vibes: some positive vibes coming your way.

I am soooooo zonked.

I just want to thank those of you who gave me a lift today, I was down and miserable about not losing weight quicker... and you helped me stick with it. I am gonna see this thing out,,, I don't plan on cheating, never say never, I don't want to sound cocksure but I do feel that I will give this diet my best shot..... ONly a few months til my hols and I want to be able to sit in the plane seat comfortably, even if it is only a short flight.... So thank you sweeties, you have all been sooooo kind...I hope I didnt make you miserable by some of my posts today, I've not posted as much as usual, and I'm so very tired now but a big thank you for your kindness and for taking the time to pick me up when I was down.... love ya sweeties XXX

Saf....have a great birthday tomorrow hunny, don't go too mad though will you, you can always have another birthday celerbration later on in the year when you're at target. brithday kisses to you xxxx
My birthday is September and I plan on a night out...maybe a concert or even just a film at the pictures, but deffo no food!!! I can have another birthday in Paris in November ;)