Hannah, omg how totally and utterly brilliant, you did soooooo well there, you won't regret it on Monday, if you had of eaten then you know how down you would be feeling now, well done for resisting, you are deffo gonna blow your first target out of the water.
I do hope you and I both get more than a 2 pounder on Monday... If we ss completely then why wouldnt we get more?? Yep, we'll do it.:vibes: some positive vibes coming your way.
I am soooooo zonked.
I just want to thank those of you who gave me a lift today, I was down and miserable about not losing weight quicker... and you helped me stick with it. I am gonna see this thing out,,, I don't plan on cheating, never say never, I don't want to sound cocksure but I do feel that I will give this diet my best shot..... ONly a few months til my hols and I want to be able to sit in the plane seat comfortably, even if it is only a short flight.... So thank you sweeties, you have all been sooooo kind...I hope I didnt make you miserable by some of my posts today, I've not posted as much as usual, and I'm so very tired now but a big thank you for your kindness and for taking the time to pick me up when I was down.... love ya sweeties XXX
Saf....have a great birthday tomorrow hunny, don't go too mad though will you, you can always have another birthday celerbration later on in the year when you're at target. brithday kisses to you xxxx
My birthday is September and I plan on a night out...maybe a concert or even just a film at the pictures, but deffo no food!!! I can have another birthday in Paris in November