Step 1 Sole Source It's time to prove people wrong!

Wow what a week. Working two jobs to save some money and it is knackering. Which is why I've not been on much - I've missed your lovely words people! And I love seeing how well you are all doing.

I weighed in early this week by a day as my consultant is away tomorrow. Another 3.4lbs off! Woohoo! That target is feeling closer and closer..

She also took some pics and sent them to me. Now I really couldn't see a difference in myself at all looking in the mirror, and was convinced nothing had changed. In fact I was getting quite down about it. Boy was I wrong. Not only was I waaaaay bigger than I remember but blimey I look different! So so chuffed. A way go go yet but I can't wait to see what another stone and 4lbs will look like. I'm at 15st 4.5 now so hopefully see the 14s in another couple of weeks. Time to down that water like its going out of fashion :-D

Hope you guys are well! Minerva this is the new skirt I bought too. I've fallen in love with it!

Nadia x


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I've been waiting patiently in the shadows for the pictures :p And OMG. You are so beautiful! ^_^ The skirt is gorgeous and if I met you - I'd have been surprised to know you were on a diet at all, you have such a beautiful well proportioned figure. Kinda perfect really. I hope you don't mind me saying that!
The before - and progress shots are so good to see and compare, they did that with LL too, it's always a bit of a shock! I'm glad you're seeing a positive change :)

Aw Minerva you make me blush!! Haha thankyou! I am beginning to feel a lot more comfortable in myself now which is great. I don't feel beautiful in that pic my consultant caught me mid sentence! And thankyou for the compliments its so nice to have a waist after all this time.

And you Wigglybunny thankyou! I am indeed very proud. Keeping myself on track!

I will check in on your diaries shortly and get up to date on your lives.

I will admit I was starving this evening with two jobs and a lot of walking so I made the executive desicion to add some sliced beef to my spag bol. Really made s difference and I'm not panicking about it anymore! I also was a wee bit naughty and had a coffee with a tiny splash of baileys in to fight the cold weather. Maybe just under a shot to get the taste. I figured one treat isn't bad and I want to get over this panic I had about eating and drinking. I've been regularly adding in a high protein low carb meal like you all suggested and it's really helped with the feeling of control. The feeling that its 'bad' and that I'm undoing everything is subsiding, as is the cravings I was getting. So definatley the right move!

On a funnier note, I got stuck in a bra today. House of Fraser is having a wonderful sale and I went for a browse and trying on session. Mentally spent hundreds of pounds before deciding money! So I decided to get remeasured seeing as I'd lost 2stone but inches didn't seem to be dropping off my chest. Still up there in a j-k cup but my back is definatley smaller in a 34 now. The only thing in my size was a sports bra...I got in on just about. It made me look like I was undergoing some kind of strange medical trial and breathing was non optional and don't even get me started on the nipple problems...

So I go to take it off the same way it went on. Uh oh. The girls are not giving up. Its on there. Its vacuum packed my boobs. They are sealed. In. Crap. I yank the offending garment up as hard as I can . For a split second I think I'm free! Only to realise its now stuck around my upper arms, shoulders and one boob, my arms flailing in the air like a wounded octopus.

Such class. Such beauty. Such grace.

I eventually managed to wiggle out with the aid of a hook on the wall and a few deep breaths. It has cemented my belief sports bras are here only to torture and maim us. And I am never, ever going back to their lingerie department.

Anyway , hope you all get a giggle out of my predicament and agree I earned that tiny Bailey's!!

Nadia x
Naaadiiaaa...! You must have gone on holiday! I really hope you have a wonderful time away and enjoy yourself! <3

Your story was both sad and funny, the baileys was well deserved!! I've got stuck in countless tops and dresses, panicking thinking I'll rip them in half if I try to take them off D: mostly my fat arms get stuck and then I just wrestle with them with my arms somehow stuck behind me flopping around like a fish. Fun times >.<
No I'm still here. I've just been struggling a bit recently with it all. I put 2.5lbs on one week then the next lost 4lbs and then I weigh in on Thursday but ibwas awful on the weekend and had a couple strips of bacon in a single slice of bread. And picked at meaty bits and pieces. I don't know what has got into me! I don't think I'll get to 14 stone for my holiday which sucks. I think I'll be close . Maybe that's what's dragging me down? I've done really well just need to give myself a kick up the bum I think. I'm about 2lbs from the 14s and three weeks to go.

So that's where I've been! Not the most exciting post my dear. But there we are.

How are things with you going? Are exams well and life going well? I've missed chatting to you girls!

Nadia x
It is actually infinitely harder to keep to a strict diet when you know there's a planned 'off' time ahead. It always screws with my head too, sort of "what's the point" thinking comes in. If anything, take it one day at a time, and maybe it is time for a small break. Allow yourself a little more. Alternate days maybe? Have a 100% day, then have some real food, some salad and veg and some protein. Calorie count to about 1000-1200, maybe even include a piece of fruit (avoid the overly sugary ones likes grapes - I remember they sent me into a mad sugar crave when I had them after a VLCD...). You will then be following a JUDD type principle and should still lose weight once the glycogen stores stabilise with the small extra.
I've had a tough 2 weeks, completely fell off the wagon, ate everything I could get my hands on :eek: ... And started a VLCD type approach a week ago (Slim and Save >.< eek), and surprisingly... No damage done really. I'm back to what I was before my "food holiday"... it goes to show there's hope and you won't regain it all back so long as you reign it in. Your holiday also won't break the losses you've seen so far. And that's another factor that might be causing some issues now, fear of gaining it all back after time away. I can guarantee that won't happen. You will just be in your glycogen store area which as I've found out is very flexible.

You are and will be ok, I promise. And I have missed you around here!
I think you are right I'm thinking about the time off and worried about gaining and lost sight of the long term benefits! You've given me a boost and some confidence that I will be OK if in sensible. I won't put 2.5stone back in 3 weeks unless I totally lose control!

I've been adding in some spinach and chicken or ham some evenings to my risotto and Mac and cheese. It has made a huge difference I feel much happier knowing I can add a bit. I will avoid fruit though I can be a sugar and carb monster!

Ah I'm glad to hear your crazy time didn't affect you too badly :) what's slim and save like? Heard mixed reviews! Obviously if you didn't put much on your body is pretty happy at the moment so that's awesome :)

I have however got a lovely Garrison in operation so time was well spent I feel!

I am back now and sticking to it! Let's do this!

N x
Well done dear :) I'm glad you're feeling more positive and have put things in perspective. It's actually impossible to put 2.5 stone on in 3 weeks, no matter how badly you eat (and I am 100% sure you will actually be careful or do lots of walking around/swimming!). You might gain a stone at most - most of which will be water and will just come right off in a week.
Slim&Save is actually not so bad, it has some tasty meals, I don't know how it compares with CD stuff, but I'm not complaining. It's nicer than LL! I am slightly envious of the risotto though, there's no rice things on this plan ^^ And yeah, the whole weight I put on in 2 weeks came right off in week 1 of this, I'm pleasantly surprised, though that can screw with my head a bit in a roundabout way too. o_O

Speaking of garrisons... I need to check mine... I just use them to make money at this point, I don't even know why. I have 1.4 million gold and never spend it on anything. Oh well, there's going to be raiding expenses when the new expansion comes out. You should roll horde and raid with us! :p We're a friendly bunch, I promise, most of the guild know each other IRL by now simply because we've all been doing this together for so long!
I may well do that! I am getting a bit bored of my Mage...need to build some gold up first! Which server are you guys on? And which kind of class for Horde do you reckon - I've always rolled casters / DOT so unsure whether to stay with or try at something a bit more tanky.

A single week and it all came off? Amazing go you! Must feel pretty good :). Yeah I couldnt give up my rice risotto. I mix in with ham and spinach now, its lush! Keeps me happy. Hopefully I wont gain any, if i stick to walking, swimming and eating mainly protein and veggies.

I weighed in today - after all my grousing and cheating, I've lost another 4.5lbs! So - I'm in the 14s! 14st12lbs to be exact. I cannot remember the last time I weighed this, its a weird feeling - here on out is an unknown quantity, I have no idea how I will look in a stone or twos time. Its very strange that weight can change your looks so very much. In my head I'm still the same size as I was when I started, even though I can see I am wearing smaller sizes and there is less of my face (but not boobs :(. The new bra shop will happen in September it will astronomically expensive at this rate!).What will actually suit me? I'm already choosing different dress shapes, and I have a waist which is weird. I can wear belts! I can get my arms out to tan (If no one else is around and looking directly at me!). The journey we are all walking is a very strange one in many ways. Today after I weighed in, my first thought was '4.lbs wahoo! Lets treat myself with a Mc Donalds!' closely followed by '...nah. KFC? Nah....fancy some chicken and spinach and a new lipgloss'.

Things are changing indeed!

Anyway thats my ramble for the day. Coffee is brewing on the side , its a french vanilla roast and smells divine.

Nadia xx

Start weight: 17st7
Current weight: 14st12
Total loss: 2st 9lbs
Ah I just remembered you told me you were on Tarren Mill! I shall see if there is space for little old me :) x
Haha I didn't think you'd abandon Alliance so easily :p come to the dark side! My battletag is Dionycia#2379, so add me and I'll set you up with some gold, I am sitting on a mountain of it. :) Stick to what you prefer class wise, I've always been my hunter since Vanilla with no intention of ever changing. ^^

And you see! Dieting isn't just limited to VLCD, you can add a little bit and still do amazing! I do relate to feeling the same size as when you start... It takes quite a while for the brain to catch up with reality, especially when it happens so fast. Well done on getting into the 14's you're on your way! :D

One blood elf 'lock bopping around. Man, low level squishes are frustrating. They've increased the spell distance reach since I played lock last back in vanilla (was originally horde then left for years and old account was destroyed ). I'm Nathea. I will add you via gamertag when I have a tick :). I just realised I get a Voidy again - my little personal tank haha!

See you in a bit! Xx
I like the ears... Lol. I've got one but I seem to have missed quite a few! I'll go collecting on my main at one point to give myself some umph. Thank god they are BTA. !
Elfy elfy elfy!

I did have heirlooms. Does help if one actually applies them to character. Doh. Staff, robe,shoulders, trinket. Much better :-D
Lol, I have a dislike for blood elves ever since BC when they were introduced, you could say I'm "elfist" :p But, having said that, I do like Night Elves a lot... and Draenei are so pretty. If I ever went Alliance (*HISS*) I'd be one of those. I sent you some stuff in the mail to get you started.

Hope you have a great day, diet wise and in all other aspects! x