Ouch bit of a debate here eh?! - I dont think its bickering, just a healthy debate, it would be boring if we were all nice to each other hehe
Anywho, My view on this is: paying other buisnesses to help, reduces the NHS setting up its own weight loss scheme, a lot cheaper for them. (ie think of the salaries for a nurse led team/research behind it etc)
I am going to ask some questions later (in an hour exactly..eek!) about how this costs the NHS, i dont think the NHS has limited resources...just wasting a lot of money.
At the end of the day, I've paid my taxes (before being a student) and also national insurance and contributed fianancially to society, so for me this is my way of getting back what i've paid for, loosing weight is a form of healthcare, and i think the fact i've already lost a substantial amount stands me in good stead, as a nurse i'd personally much rather give the vouchers to someone who's already lost weight, and in fianancial issues.
£5 isn't a lot weekly, i can get that, i am lucky i live by myself, have no kids, but i am also living below the national minimum wage...and that £20 a month does make and break things!
I dont know how i feel and it is a moral minefield, im just very grateful to live in a country where i can acsess these sort of services for free