ive decided

Best of luck lillie, enjoy it you really really deserve it.
I'm delighted for you hun..I know making this decision has been difficult for you. But honestly I think you have made the right decision for you and your family. Don't ever apologise to us, you have been so kind and helpful to everyone on here. Keep us informed of your progress, you will do great on refeed!!!
Aww lil honey you really do deserve it! It is a really daunting feeling and i remember it well but you will do great honestly.
I am really proud of you and nobody is even slightly disappointed in you...a massive well done!!!!
And a big thankyou right back to you..youre a star and i lova ya loads xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
P.s bring on TC!! xxxxx
Well done Lillie on getting to where you are now; Your body has decided that it now needs food, mine did the same, so this is the right time for you. You have been a shoulder for so many of us when times have been sticky and have always been sooooo correct with the advice. You have not in any way let anyone down, so there. I'm really impressed that you got some fantastic advice from LT, and from a sexy american. Once again well done you're more than an inspiration to all. Loads of luv and hugs xx
well done lil how niceto be able to go shopping and be the size you want! Hope you treated yourself to something nice hun x
Awww well done lil ... swit swoo you ...you sould put a pic up of you in your new clobber xxxx And i bet you look better than you ever imagined as you will be nicely toned after the hours at the gym xx
Wow Lil thats fab size 14 and not at target!! Well dont honey have you started refeed today?? xx
i actually started refeed yesterday,i had fish and salad for tea,today ive had a flapjack for lunch because we took the girls for a picnic and a walk in the woods,i had fish and salad again for tea and im gonna have my chocolate shake with peppermint tea in a bit,im confused with what to do really LT said do first 2 days for a week ,so im gonna do day 1 for 3 days then go to day 2 xx
Sounds like a good idea hun although ladylipo did that and she was starving after a week and therefore ate more after that! Be careful babe, i personally had carbs on day 4 xxx
sounds good me me hun xxx that way you will def still lose
Yeah fair enough hun xx
Did you look at the list of keo foods lil in the refeed sub forum
you know me too well lil..yes and lost 5lbs that weeks so really worked!! made stir fries and stuff ...tip for ya add chilli to everything it speeds up weight loss
i know what u mean...but if you look at it most of its on refeed anyhow e.g chicken stir fry (you could use only green veg as per refeed) with some chilli and garlic for taste. tuna stirfry rocks too mmmfish is on there ...eggs isnt but they wont do you any harm i reckon i had omlette on night ..but its up to how comfortable you feel with it hun xx
Well done Lillie, Size 14, amazing..thats my target too!!! Can't wait. You sound like me, petrified of the refeed process??? How are you feeling now without the fags...have promised to give up at 12st5 myself, can't wait to be smoke free!!!