Ivea, you're somewhat getting caught within a bad cycle... The lapse you had a few weeks ago and the subsequent loss at the WI that week now has safely secured the CROOKED thought in your head which squeaks at you : "I can have a treat and still lose!". It's such a damaging thought. It can have dire consequences as you may find yourself pushing for more and more treats as time goes by.
Then, one week after a few lucky weeks, you may find that you won't lose anything. Maybe even a gain! And then... then your mind may break. It'll be ready to throw in the towel...
Before that happens, I urge you to really sit down and think about what you want. It is so difficult to have focus before a holiday - because you know you'll be 'off-plan' then. I am feeling this too right now with my holiday coming in 11 days time! But, I'm trying. I know you're trying too.
Maybe, with your holiday coming so close, just set a date when you get back to get back on packs 100%. Until then, be a bit more relaxed, allow yourself the small extras (maybe do Lite? 3 packs and a small meal?). That way you won't get caught in the guilt cycle - which is the most damaging of all. Allow yourself to be a little naughty - but set the deadline for it all to stop (after hols!).
After all, your target won't run away from you, but you do need to keep working at it.