Jade Goody

Im sure her family would benefit far more for having some private time with her

I suppose it depends on how much family time she is using for programmes/press. I know that she was working 'the job' around family time as she told the pantomine people that family and health come first and had to reschedule the rehearsals for that reason.

I think both the boys are now at school, so she could sit alone at home and wait for them, or go out and get some bucks and be there when they get home.

I know when I was very poorly, my job kept me sane. It didn't disrupt my family life (okay...it did a bit, but time with them was good quality time). I don't think my family would have wanted it any different.

So, as I say, depends on how much time this is all taking up. Just because she's high profile in the media doesn't mean she's attending each and everyone. Details and photos will be passed between while she dinners with her kids.
A long time ago someone told me about a saying which I believe originated with the Sioux Indian Nation: "Great Spirit, teach me to judge not a man until I have walked in his moccasins". It doesn't matter how well we think we know people, it is not until we walk their path in life with all its twists and turns and past experiences that we truly know what their life is really like and what is best or right for them along the path they still have to travel x
I think if Jade has helped highlight the impotance of regular check ups and not to ignore symptoms then its a good thing that she has publicised her cancer story as people still think "it wont happen to me". I real feel for her how do you cope with knowing the future doesn't look great and that there is a huge possibility that she will die and not get to do everything we take for granted with our children. Her past is her past and can't be undone and I wouldn't wish her situation on anyone. xXx
Poor girl. She is so very open about everything isn't she, but that's why people love and hate her.

I think the less tabboo that there is about things like cancer then the better the world is. It is uncomfortable seeing her and I haven't actually watched any of her Living TV programmes but she is just being herself with the ups and downs that go with life.

From what I've heard her prognosis is pretty poor but we'll still remember her in 10 or 20 years time, I bet. That's the legacy she's left her kids.
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Well said. I think it can only be a good thing to raise the profile and awareness of the issues around Jade's illness and it will give us all a chance to see her on HER terms. The boys will have a lot to be proud of x
i feel very sorry for her. before her story i hadnt even thought about havin cervical cancer tests but since i found out it has really made me realise i need to get seen to! if it has made me realise it has probably made alot of young girls aware so she has done a very good thing out of talking about it, may even have saved some lives
I feel extremley sorry for her and god willing i hope she makes a speedy recovery and be with her boys.
So sad :(
It is sad :( And they say that if she is well enough she will continue the chemo next week. So soon! I know how crappy I feel after an op.

I can't imagine what she's going through at the moment.
cancer is evil. There are no discriminations for age, status etc. There cant be many people who havent been touched by it. I have lost many friends to it, some very young and all very tragic
Push comes to shove, part of Jade's job is courting the media. Some people when going through something like this like to have a sense of normality. In many cases this means continuing to work (if they are able). It keeps you going because as soon as you stop you may feel more ill and have all that spare time to dwell on things. A possitive mental attitude really does go a long way.

I really wish Jade the very best and hope that this new drug make a difference to her

Its really sad that she is going through all of this. I am glad in a way that this has been documented even if its through the media, it may help other people to go and have those tests. I have always being putting off having smear tests but what is happening to her has certainly opened my eyes. I hope to god she makes a full recovery and be with her family who love her.
I wish her the very best outcome and hope that she does not go through any more than is absolutely necessary. Love and positive vibes heading her way x