Jaly's SF Maintenance Diary!

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Awww! Thanks so much ladies! :) I've had an absolutely amazing day, definitely worth all of the stress in the world! :D

I guess I should begin with my terrible food choices, completely disregarded healthy eating/dieting altogether, and I'm a wee bit tipsy! :p

Breakfast: Cheerios + SS Milk
Morning: Go ahead raspberry fruit bake
Lunch: Bread roll + butter, mozzarella topped ciabatta and pancetta (was full even after the starter!), roast turkey + roast beef, gravy, yorkshire pudding, broccoli/cauliflower cheese, runner beans, carrots, roast potatoes, mashed potato, parsnips, swede and carrot purée (had to try a bit of everything, lol!), chocolate cheesecake with orange biscuit base (tasted a bit like a terry's choc orange, absolutely amaaazing!) and... had a champagne and raspberry torte too (Hey, think I deserve 2 puddings, felt so sick though :p)
Evening: Buffet! I ate for the sake of it, not because I was hungry tbh but ah well :p Waaaay too many chicken satays/ham sandwiches/savoury biscuits/hula hoops/cocktail sausages/sweets :p and 2 cupcakes! With buttercream frosting and jam in the middle... delicious!
Drinks: Sip of pimms/champagne/red wine/white wine, glass of orange juice, water, squash, diet coke
Exercise: Dancing/jumping around the dancefloor waving my arms around in some manic fashion :D

Will upload a pic when I can :) My Mum bought me an absolutely gorgeous bracelet to wear on the day and to thank me for being a bridesmaid and my Nan bought me a clutch handbag as well :) Really, really enjoyed myself! Made 8 people cry with my speech despite being so nervous! :$ Mum being one of them so, mission accomplished! haha! My uncle did decide to do a stripdance on the dancefloor after having one too many though.. fortunately he left his underwear on, lol. Nothing new in that side of my family, not sure the groom's family were as approving but everyone just laughed it off luckily :p

All of my cousins etc wanted a dance with me though! At one point people were even scheduling times and making me promise I'd dance with them at 10pm or something, lol :p

Think I probably ate more than anyone else there today, ah well xD

Will get you some pictures as soon as I can! Promise! :) Tried something slightly different with my hair but I think it looked nice! Will see in the pictures I suppose! :p

Hope you all had a fab day! xx
Also looking forward to a pic!! :)

Sounds a lovely day and family drunkeness is what makes the party fun! My dads side get very tipsy :) food sounds delicious. I'm glad you just enjoyed yourself, ate what you wanted and forgot about calories and points. After all it is a very special day and that's the last thing you want to think about.

I know you have been looking forward to this for a while, even in your old diary. So I hope it was everything you wanted. Moments like this will be remembered forever and I'm glad you had such a brilliant time :)

Speech sounds emotional too...very brave of you :)
Sounds like you had a great day Hun and yum to the food. I'm glad you relaxed and ate what you wanted. Can't wait for the pics xx
Awww, sounds like a fantastic day. Uncles are meant to get drunk and mis-behave at weddings - it's part of their job description!

Food looks like exactly what you should eat at a big celebration - you definitely deserved it and I'm so glad you enjoyed it too! Like everyone else... waiting for pics!
Sounds like an amazing day and I am really pleased you didn't think about what food you ate and just enjoyed yourself. Am pleased they liked your speech. I bet you were amazing.

Can't wait to see pictures. Have a nice day today xx
Drinks: Sip of pimms/champagne/red wine/white wine, glass of orange juice, water, squash, diet coke
Exercise: Dancing/jumping around the dancefloor waving my arms around in some manic fashion :D

This made me chuckle! I noticed how the mad "arm waving dancing" was put right underneath the alcohol! haha!
Sounds like a fabulous day :) I bet you looked stunning (certainly sounds like your cousins thought so!). Food sounds divine and its great that you were able to just enjoy it and not think about calories or points. A real step forward. The chocolate orange cheese cake especially sounds DIVINE. MMMmmmmmmmm.

Looking forward to some pictures.
Awww, thank you all so much! Still feeling stuffed from yesterday! Baked the coconut crusader slice for dessert today as everyone's over and everybody seemed to absolutely love it!

I'm so glad I didn't think about cals/points tbh, I ate enough to gain a lb I reckon though :D

Lunch: Ham sandwich on w/m seeded bread, carrots
"Dessert": Apple
Afternoon: Kiwi
Dinner: Cheerios, SS Milk, Banana
Supper: Ryvita fruit crunch

I had been looking forward to it so it was a fantastic day, I got lots of compliments etc which is always nice

And, I really can't dance Sarah! Lol! :)
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Wow everyone looks amazing! Glad it was a fab day! Xx
Jaly said:
Awww, thank you! My Mum's 37 but she appreciates the compliment, lol! ^^

Not eaten a lot today but I won't make a habit of it, don't worry :) Just still really full from the insaaaane amount of food I ate yesterday :p

Couple more pics :)


Make sure you don't get into the habit of not eating enough. Pictures are lovely. Was trying to see your bracelet but can't get close enough in the pictures.
Looks like you all had a fab day :-D
You look amazing Libby, the colour of your dress is beautiful.
Every family has a mad Uncle who does the embarrassing dance!!
Food sounds delicious, I hope you enjoyed every bite & don't forget, a little bit of indulgence is good for the soul xx
Love the photos Hun your mum looks gorgeous in her dress and you look totally stunning xx
Hi jaly glad the day went well cant wait to see a pic, cousins lining up to dance with u that shows how gorgeous u must have looked hopefully it made u feel good too , have a good day xx

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