Agreed with the weeklies Purp! xx
and, agreed with the test Moon! The main reasons for choosing this sixth form was for a 'fresh' start, a chance to meet new people, plus it's much, much bigger so i'm more likely to meet people with similar interests. Such a big transition is good practice for starting uni and not knowing anyone etc too! The facilities at my current 6th form are a lot better also, the sixth form 'base' is a huuuuge stately home and some of my lessons are in grand rooms with chandeliers and portraits on the walls and our dining halls are old fashioned banquet halls etc
Morning.. well, evening Frances! Hope you're well!
Hey Daisy! Hope you're okay too!
Hi Atomic! I agree, my family seem to think I'm crazily outgoing and talkative but I'm extremely reserved around people I don't know, as for being 'silly' in front of people - i'm usually quite hesitant as i care far too much about what other people think of me but then i worry that people will find me boring - argh! x I guess the pantomime will knock the 'being scared of looking silly' right out of the window though
Had an eventful day, woke up feeling extremely sick but ate a yoghurt anyway - felt better after that, was a veeeery long day at sixth form, i only had lessons periods 1, 4 and 6. 2 were psychology and one was physics however the Psychology lessons were ridiculously easy (so easy it was just boring - i can't believe i'm complaining about not being challenged at all but I was almost falling asleep!) yet in the Physics lesson we were covering the hardest topic in the syllabus (why so early on?! are they intentionally trying to get us to drop the subject?) The timetable is irritating because my lessons are spaced in such a way that it wouldn't be worthwhile walking home and walking back to school but I did make some new friends in my study periods which is always nice
Anyway, last night I was a bit pee'd off with the ex (boasting about his new gf to our mutual friends) and so I changed my PC password as the former one was associated with him, of course being the genius that I am, I'd forgotten it, so I proceeded to spend the next 3 hours attempting to reset it with various software etc, all of which of course being unsuccessful, luckily my uncle is an IT wizard and my Grandad took me with my pc to his house and he managed to reset it within 2 minutes! (3 hours of my day in vain!) I was too stressed to go to the panto rehearsal in the end so we spent an hour or so at my uncle's before driving home to pick up my sis from the rehearsal.