Well day two of back on plan for me, seems to be working, I wasn't hungry until 13:30 pm today which was a first for me!!!
Hoping I will be well enough to travel up to London for my next Xolair injection on Thursday, still got a pain in my back sort of like chest infection but not feeling too bad, so fingers crossed.
Planning sausages in hot dog rolls for dinner tonight with onions, yummy...
Lots whirling round in my head post christmas, big fall out with the parents, stupid at 44 isn't it.. lots of baggage there going back years, every year I back down but this year I'm feeling strangely like 'they're old just ignore it' and was getting over it all when I got an email from my mum saying 'please go to the doctor Jane all this stuff you're making it you obviously need anti depressants' which has reignited it.... they obviously thing they haven't done anything wrong as usual, sigh.. not really sure how to approach things now.
Thought about a 'hope your weekend was good' email but keep communication open but is that backing down?? not sure if it is or not....
I wouldn't mind but it was hubby that cracked they wound him up so much that he told them how rubbish Christmas was no doubt they think we're ungrateful. Families eh! at least today I'm not turning to emotional eating more days like this and we'll be sorted