How's everyone getting on? I can't believe i've been 100% for 23 days now (actually more because i started before the new year!), for about three months i couldn't last more than a week at a time so this is great for me.
Think i've updated this correctly...
Stef2009 - 8lb (7lbdown, 1lbto go)
Teetiefunk - 14lbs (7lb down,7lbs to go)
losingit - 100% month (4lb down, 8 days to go)
Mami-Bonita - 15 lbs (3lbs down, 12lbs to go)
Scrumbles - 3lbs (3lbs down, 0lbs to go) ✔
Mrsminkymoo -14lbs (6lb down,8lb to go)
Orkneyslimmer - 12lb (0lb down, 12lb to go)
Dotty Boo - 5lb (0lb down, 5lbs to go)
Dizzydelly - 8lbs (8lb down, 0lb to go) ✔
Jim - 10lbs (10lb down, 0lb to go) ✔
Eca08 - 13lb (8lb down, 5lb to go)
Slaj - 8lb (3lb down, 5lb to go)
Beautiful Bride - 13lb (0lb down, 13 to go)
Anso - 7lb (6lb down, 1lb to go)
Susie - 7lbs (8lb down, 0lb to go) ✔
Sandy T - 9lb (9lb down, 0lb to go) ✔
Sammy1 - 8lb (4lb down, 4lb to go)
Lindylou24 - 14lb (0lb down 14lb to go
Happy&healthy - 10lb (2lb down 8lb to go)
Kdl85 - 14lb (14lb down 0lb to go) ✔