Jax's Diary

never! :D .. but isnt it so sad? Poor little present needs a home :(
Am rendered speechless (make the most of it - doesnt happen often!)

Night night xxx
Better give in Jax shes not giving up - although I understand you can buy weapons and hit men on the internet that might be the only way!!

you can? well Jax.. when you find something to hit me with, let me know.. until then I can keep going :D

Present says hi! :D he's dead excited about coming to stay with you!

hope you're having a good day anyway :) xxx
hiya! :D how has your day been? we need updates as I'm having Jax withdrawal! :p xxx
hiya! :D how has your day been? we need updates as I'm having Jax withdrawal! :p xxx

Lol I'm with you on that one...bring on the updates! :)xx
Well after 6 wonderful weeks on WW without any major slip ups - the bubble has burst!

Went out for dinner at a local carvery - not a patch on the Toby's but we dont have them round here. Had worked out before going that I would just have the main course and a large glass of the red stuff and had a WW pudding ready for when we got home - so thought I'd be ok.

I kept to my original plan and avoided starter and dessert which is good. When I got to the carvery I chose Turkey as lowest points and then moved along to the veggie part - the roast potatoes looked scrummy, as did the roast parsnips but I thought no I'll avoid them and have new pots instead. Unfortunately, here is where it went horribly wrong - the new potatoes were glazed in some oily looking dressing, they didnt have any plain veg; they had buttered carrots, cauliflower cheese, and leeks and cabbage in a creamy looking sauce! Well I decided that if I couldnt be good, then I'd be very bad and so I piled my plate high with new pots and loads and loads of normally healthy veg! I dread to think of the points I had :break_diet:

Anyway am home now - damage has been done but I am just so disappointed in myself that I didnt just do portion control!!!

Also I'm feeling kinda low, which isnt a good place to be for me! When I was getting ready tonight I noticed that my tummy is looking flatter which I should be feeling over the moon about but my skin is already looking loose and hanging. This brought all those horrible thoughts and memories back from back just after I had my wonderful twin girls. They were both big for twins; 7lbs 4oz and 6lbs 13oz and I had one huge pregnant tum! I had them by C-section and soon after I started to lose weight. Before long I had this huge and hideous overhang which didnt go away as it should after 6 months. I became very depressed at the way my body looked and decided that I would rather be a big person all over than have this grotesque overhang of skin. Hence why I put back on all the weight and have stayed at 19 stone ever since. I don't think I can go back to that dark place and I am so scared of feeling the way that I felt back then. I've looked into the chances of a TT and they are very slim and I'd have to go down to a normal BMI and maintain for a year before even applying. Only earlier today I was quite upbeat at the thought of doing this but now seeing my overhang back so quickly into my weight loss journey I don't think I can go through it again.

Well this is probably my longest post on this thread and I was kinda hoping it would have a positive effect as I typed my thoughts out :eek: So I guess I'll off to bed and see how I feel in the morning
Jax, do not be silly! Like you said earlier you can go see the doc on tuesday regards to your TT - until then, you WILL NOT give up on this!

You have already noticed a flatter stomach, so dont let the skin get you down! I know crunches wont completely solve it, but doing a little good for me and is better than nothing? :) also, boots do/did (had it awhile and running low.. must go get more!) a nice firming cream that I'm using too - i've had an overhang and my whole stomach / sides have been really badly stretch marked since I was.. maybe 10? So that makes 11 years for me so pretty sure i'll have a battle on my hands too but we must not give in! Also, any chance you might consider a little swimming each week? Even one sesh? Really good for your stomach muscles and could aid in making a diff?

On the carvery front.. you did good! You've done pretty much the best you can considering the choice - also, everyone deserves a treat now and again! So put it behind you - you've had a rotten week so if anyone deserves to have enjoyed themselves its you!

Start afresh tomorrow, claw back a few points if you want and on monday we'll still see a good result :)

also, new potatoes in butter still better than potatoes roasted in oil - at least the butter will only be on the outside of the newtatties but the roasties will have absorbed lots of oil in cooking!!

i'mma send you a text in the morning, think of me prancing around waving my phone in the air muttering a wide range of expletives if nothing else will make the corners of your mouth twitch! :)

love ya, muchos hugs!

Rach xxx

P.S Present loves you too! :D
Oh hun, sorry to read you are feeling a little down. Rach is right (as always!!!). Where would we be without our Rach? I can't comment too much as I don't know how it feels to have your body but all i know is that to lose weight is so much better for your long term health and you will be able to do something about that tummy if you want to in the future. You are doing so well...please try not to let it get you down and keep with it.

BTW, i think you did fab at the carvery! You have no reason to be disappointed in yourself....you avoided desert and you avoided pudding which is a feat in itself! I think a well done is in order here!

Chin up mate ((((hug)))) xxxx
hello! :D i sent you a text after muchos prancing, hope you are cheered up this morning!

*big hugs*

*little hug* <-- from Present :D
Awww hun...I must have just logged off before you posted last night so I only just read it.
Firstly regarding the carvery...I think you done brilliantly. I would have been all over those roast potatos as they're one thing I can't resist...you done great picking the new potatos. And you resisted desert!!
You are doing really well with the weight loss...and just think of all the gorgeous clothes you can wear whilst you're maintaining waiting for the TT...and how healthy you will feel. I know it's not the same as how you will feel if you get the TT but I think it's still worth keeping going for.
Not sure if I've really helped but I hope that you are feeling better today...will send you a lil txt now.
*huge hugs* xxxx
Thanx guys for your support and texts :) Feel a bit less emotional today and trying to busy myself and stick to my points. Hoping for a STS tomorrow but who knows what it will show! :confused:

Went off to Tesco this morning and ended up coming home with only the bare essentials as I was so knackered. The only times I've left the house in the last week was in my PJ's to take girls to school and last night to go out for dinner. Heaven knows how I'll cope at work tomorrow LOL
Hi Jax

I'm sorry you are feeling down. I can identify with you on both fronts. I let myself down big time yesterday but hey its a long road and we've both jumped back on today so no major harm done - but there could be if we remain too heavy.

Having dieted from 28 stone I'm also facing the dreaded apron effect. Its not good I know but once you've lost weight whats an extra year - it soon passes then you can get the TT done.

You will see so many benefits from loosing all the weight just hang on you are doing so well.

Sending you positive thoughts.

Thanx, positive vibes gratefully received! I know the way I feel isn't logical but I just remember how desperate and almost suicidal I felt back then and it's somewhere I really cant go back to, especially if I dont get PCT funding at the end of it. Going privately just isnt an option financially. Having said that I am going to GP's on Tuesday and hopefully will pluck up the courage to mention my feelings (normal GP on maternity leave so seeing locum who I havent seen before - hope he/she is understanding).

You're doing fantastically with your weight loss and having just read your diary - you really are inspiration! Thanks!!!
Thanx guys for your support and texts :) Feel a bit less emotional today and trying to busy myself and stick to my points.

Glad you are feeling better today!
If you ever need any support I'm just a text away!
(That kinda rhymed lol! :D)
Hope you are having a nice evening! xx
*big hugs* hope you're feeling better today. You did well at the carvery! I know I would have had the roasters, a starter and a dessert too :p
So sorry to read you are feeling so down. I have nothing to add sorry apart from what others have said, but wanted you to know I am thinking of you.

Take care xxxx