Jax, do not be silly! Like you said earlier you can go see the doc on tuesday regards to your TT - until then, you WILL NOT give up on this!
You have already noticed a flatter stomach, so dont let the skin get you down! I know crunches wont completely solve it, but doing a little good for me and is better than nothing?

also, boots do/did (had it awhile and running low.. must go get more!) a nice firming cream that I'm using too - i've had an overhang and my whole stomach / sides have been really badly stretch marked since I was.. maybe 10? So that makes 11 years for me so pretty sure i'll have a battle on my hands too but we must not give in! Also, any chance you might consider a little swimming each week? Even one sesh? Really good for your stomach muscles and could aid in making a diff?
On the carvery front.. you did good! You've done pretty much the best you can considering the choice - also, everyone deserves a treat now and again! So put it behind you - you've had a rotten week so if anyone deserves to have enjoyed themselves its you!
Start afresh tomorrow, claw back a few points if you want and on monday we'll still see a good result
also, new potatoes in butter still better than potatoes roasted in oil - at least the butter will only be on the outside of the newtatties but the roasties will have absorbed lots of oil in cooking!!
i'mma send you a text in the morning, think of me prancing around waving my phone in the air muttering a wide range of expletives if nothing else will make the corners of your mouth twitch!
love ya, muchos hugs!
Rach xxx
P.S Present loves you too!