Jax's Diary

lmao thats class! you show em Jax :D you're doing dead well - next time you can threaten em and tell em Rach'll come and sort em out haha!

if you need to rant ever gimme a PM and ill send you my numbers :D am always up for a chat!
how're the kids today lol? :D
welldone for loosing the 2lb! hope your girls dont fall out tomorrow :)
Thanks both of you.

The eldest went to a friends straight from school :D and the twins spent the whole evening rehearsing a play they intend to perform for me and OH at the w/end - can't wait :rolleyes: - so all calm here tonight - thank heavens!

Rach - thanx! may well take you up on that offer - I must confess I came so close to cracking last night ... and I know from past experience that if I do crack and give in there won't be a way back I just go into free-fall :wave_cry:

Today was another good one (well within points) although I haven't done any official exercise - bought a WW pedometer and set it up at weekend - not convinced its working right though - flabbaghasted at how many steps it thinks I am taking lol. I can't possibly be doing that many!
i have one of those :D is it still the black thing with pink feet on and it has a sensitivity bar or not? You should test it - place it different places on your waistband and take 10 normal steps across the room - if it comes out too little / too many there should be a sensitivity bar you can adjust to get it just right :)

you are welcome to ring me whenever you like - i dont have kids but i have a stalker next door neighbour who stresses me out, so i could do with ranting to you too :D LOL
Well done on your weight loss! :D
i have one of those :D is it still the black thing with pink feet on and it has a sensitivity bar or not? You should test it - place it different places on your waistband and take 10 normal steps across the room - if it comes out too little / too many there should be a sensitivity bar you can adjust to get it just right :)

you are welcome to ring me whenever you like - i dont have kids but i have a stalker next door neighbour who stresses me out, so i could do with ranting to you too :D LOL

No it isn't the one with the pink feet and doesnt appear to have a sensitivity bar - have counted steps and checked the reading and for every step I take, it registers 2 steps - maybe if you're my size the fat wobbles twice as much :eek: Emailed WW on Weds to see what they have to say but not heard back from them yet.

Will PM you over the weekend - thanx

Well have had another good day - have saved 4 points most days this week - Footie on telly tonight and going to have a kebab with a large salad instead of chips and downed with several large glasses of wine (all within points!) :D
sounds lovely - doner kebab isnt as high in points as i thought.. lovely but they make me really ill as much as I love them! I'm sat with my WW rosé its actually really nice and only 1pt a glass :D

try moving your pedometer round your waist band - i find mine works best about 3-4 inches left or right of my belly button, or the same place on the back of my waistband too. hope you have a great night! :D xxx
well done on your weightloss. Also staying in points.

Can sympathise with regards to kids. Took son (10 years old) and his friend and 6 year old daughter to Duxford yesterday. 3 very hyperactive kids bless them.
did you get a reply back yet about your pedometer?
You'll have to let me know what the pedometer is like as I am thinking of getting one too. 2 for 1 step sounds a bit rubbish though. I hope WW can sort it for you :D
Hey Jax, thank you so much for the texts today.. was really feeling fed up after Taybarns.. sat in my car at the side of the road while it poured down.. sounds really pathetic doesnt it! You really cheered me up anyway and I really appreciate it. You're cool :) *big hugs* xxx
Aw hun :hug99: As for sitting in yr car outside Tayburns its not pathetic - I think we've all done it and that's when friends are there to help. Hey that's what we're there for! (oh and sharing the good times too :D) Hope yr ok and u know where I am if ya wanna offload anytime

Gonna try and get some sleep now - don't know why but am so worried bout tomorrow WI - I've kept within my points (having saved 4 each day Mon - Fri and used them over weekend) but at the back of my mind I'm worried that I may have under-estimated and blown it :sigh: Nighty night x
i'm sure you will be fine :) text me and let me know! xxx
*sits impatiently waiting..* you dont weigh yourself until dead late! weigh in the morning so I dont have to wait haha :p
*sits impatiently waiting..* you dont weigh yourself until dead late! weigh in the morning so I dont have to wait haha :p

:D I weigh in at six in morning just thought you wouldnt appreciate it if I text you then - will text you and Em now seeing as yr not online.

Anyway I'm absolutely thrilled - lost 3lbs this week :D:D:D Anyways - best get back to work for now ... if only lunch hours were longer!
Oh my god that is fab! Well well wel done you :D SO jealous lol. Well done on the 3lbs that is brill! Another great addition to our weekly WI thread :)