Thanks hun - am hanging as instructedOh its good to see you back Jax and some positive news all round. Hopefully the lump will be dealt with soon.
Until then hang on in there and every best wish
Thanks Deana, Fab news about your job - at least we both have something for time being - have just signed up to do SK124 -Can I pick your brains - what format were the icma's as struggling to work out how a computer would mark them - ? multiple choice???Good to hear from you. Have a great holiday and good luck for op.
Well done on job too. I found out on Thurs I have 25 hours from Sept (20hrs and 5 hrs job) for at least one term and this is likely to continue as the child has very specific needs. Well done on weight loss too. You are doing better than me.
Thanks fitz for your supportGlad to see you pop on Jax
Take Care x
Thanks Charly - hols nothing grand only a week walking in the brecon beacons and a week walking in the lake district. Have you managed to pressure your OH into booking your next holiday yet? Really must get round to reading some diaries soonFab news on losing 6lbs hun!
Where are you off to on your hols??
Good attitude to not worry too much till after you come back.
Come back & visit soon! xx
Thanks hun - it didIt's good to hear from you Jax! Hope that the ultrasound goes ok. xx
Everythings fine thanks ClaireHope everything is ok hun and well done on your loss
Take care
Thanks Fuzzy. Re treadmill - have now ventured into the real world and what I would say is that running outside either on grass or road is very much harder than on a treadmill. The treadmill is a lot softer underfoot and easier on the knees, ankles etc. You almost get a bounce factor if that makes sense??? My average HR on treadmill backs this up - poodling along at 5 mph is 122 on treadmill but in the real world at same speed is 152ish - as you can see I am anything but fit ha ha. The treadmill whips the ground from under you so that you dont have to propell yourself forward. So its a big shock when you hit the road/grass for the first timeHiya jax..
Im really pleased to hear that your ultrasound results were ok....
Good luck for yer WI hun and well done on the running...can i ask having never ever ran on a treadmill is it quite soft underfoot or like running on a metal board...
have a super w/end x
Thanks so much Deana - am much clearer now about what's involved!!! Have disconnected my E124 which I passed from the Cert in Early Years and linked it in with SK124 as part of a Cert in Higher Education Open so at least I didnt do the E124 for nothing! Are you planning any more OU study?Jax the format is muliply choice for SK124. You get 2 atempts (I think) per question, but if you need to use the 2nd atempt and get it correct you get a lower mark. It will tell you if you got it partly or fully correct, although won't tell you which bit is right or wrong. The icma's are not bad at all though. The ieca has 2 parts. part 1 as above and part 2 with longer answers which is marked by hand after submitting.
Thanks so much Deana - am much clearer now about what's involved!!! Have disconnected my E124 which I passed from the Cert in Early Years and linked it in with SK124 as part of a Cert in Higher Education Open so at least I didnt do the E124 for nothing! Are you planning any more OU study?
Thanks hun, am getting there - weekend spent surrounding myself with friends and family - much neededBig congrats on the 3lb, that's a brilliant loss.
Hope you're having a lovely weekend. xxx
Thanks M - need something positive to aim for on the horizon thats for sure!!!Thats good news abou the scan Jax and also the weigh loss you areb doing well
OU sounds good ..its all go over there
Sounds fab Deana, would consider E111 myself - but we only do infants ( YR to Y2) so worry that I wont be able to meet the criteria for it - my school arent exactly flexible as my need to withdraw from E123 proved. Good luck and keep me posted!!!It is a good course. If you need any help let me know, but know you will be fine. I am still trying to finish my life degree in Life science, which hopefully will be done in Dec 2011 all going well. Also going to have an atempt of E111October this year once current course is finished, although nervous about this. I wanted to do NVQ 3 in supporting teaching and learning through college, as schools round her are looking more and more at qualifications, but have to be in 2 years continuious employment first, so E11 will give me a certicficate in supporting learning (thinks thats the title) and can go on to do a foundation degree if time etc allows next year sometime.
Well done on the weight loss you are doing really well.
Weekend spent with family and friends so all good there - keeping busy, busy, busy!Hi Jax, I'm so glad that the ultrasound went well! And the WI results are great!! Hope you've had a lovely weekend. xx
Thanks hun, am hoping I can relax on my holibobs; I sure need to as next hospital appt on Monday after we come back :fingerscrossed:Well done you on keeping up with the positives despite all the stresses!
Excellent losses and sounds like the running is doing absolute wonders for you. I definitely know what you mean about the running outside - so much easier on the treadmill, but more satisfying outside hopefully!
Hope you enjoy your hol when you go - and you can relax good and proper, sounds like you need it.
Take good care of yourself hun x x x