Hey there - feeling lots better today. Only really coughing every now and then. Slept like a log, like a dead log, like a dead log in a sleeping competion.... like a dead log in a sleeping competition that had sleeping pill. Honest I hopped into bed at 10pm (turned light off just after 11) and slept (apart from one pee bread) solidly until nearly 10am. Mr B then got up and made coffee but I could have slept on! YAY.
Got up and thought Id give the kitchen a quickie clean... only you know when that sometimes turns into an epic empty the cupboards and proper chuck out. two cupboards later and an almighty clear up and its amazing!
I've also done all my ironing and listed 6 things on EBAY (all too big!) YAY they've been waiting for AAAAAAGESS
Not been 100% - but damn close
b- Bacon sandwich (yes i know bacon but it was dukan bread) with XL philli and a chilli
l - Mince fritatta
D - steak (bacon again) and sauce
snacks - jelly and yog.
I have been having caugh mix and strepsils the past few days. I've not done any exersize and I have hardly drunk any water. I'm wondering if I will stay the same this week, I dont really mind I have been poorly. And I havent really caved apart from a bit of baconage today (okay theres more for tomorrow) but from Monday I will be back at work and 100% on plan.
Going to get to the allotment tomorrow, first time in weeeeeeeks... going to try and plant the garlic, shallots, onions and maybe some broad beans. This shall ddepend on a) is the ground frozen solid and b) if I feel up to it!
Hope you've all had a good day X