Jellybabies DIARY...after LL...on to my new lifestyle change!

Well done Diane :) What a fab loss this week :party0011::party0011::party0011:
Wow Diane what a brilliant weight-loss you have had this week. I can only imagine how amazing and proud of yourself you must be. Well done for all your hard work, its really paying off for you and that is certainly inspiring. I am sure you will reach your goal in no time at all.

I can't wait to see your pics hun I bet you look stunning.

Take Care
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WOW !!! what an amazing loss in just 9 weeks :D:D

fantastic !

Debz xx
:party0049: Yay Diane, I will be so excited to see you in your progress pictures tomorrow, I can't wait, will run to the laptop straight away :bliss:

I hope your week is going ok, looking forward to hearing about your next weigh-in. ;)

Take care
and this is me at the moment. I know i still have a bit to go, but have decided after another week or so to do it by eating healthily and working out, LL has been fantastic but i really feel my body needs the extra calories now as i really want to get toned up and in shape.


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I am truly amazed, astounded, and absolutely in awe of your transformation. Not just in how you look physically, which is so wonderful, but your eyes are so bright and you look so much happier!! :wow::wow::wow:
You have the most amazing figure. You must be sooo proud of yourself. Thankyou so much for being so brave and posting these. Gives a great inspiration for the day.
Ps. what are all your friends and family saying about you, they must be so proud, and whooohooo, bet the boyfriend cant take his hands off you!!!!!!
wow THANKS girls!!!
Youve made my day! I am so very proud of myself and didnt realise just how far i had come untill i took my current pics and posted them here. My family kept telling me that i looked "slim!!!! now" but didnt really believe them!
They say it takes a while for your head to actually catch up with your body, and that is SO true! I have had a huge "reality" moment, and it feeld GREAT!!
I am so proud of how far i have come and how much ive acheived. My new aim is not a number on the scales anymore, but a toned, more firm body and to reduce my body fat. I am going to wean myself off LL gradually over the next couple of weeks and join the gym. My brother is very educated on fitness and nutrition and will help me devise a plan, and there will be NO going back. I really am starting to love myself for the 1st time! And i vow to take good care of myself. Will still be on here and hopefully in a couple of months i will be updating new progress pics!
Thanks for all your support ladies, i could not have done it without you!
Lighterlife has been FANTASTIC, but my blood pressure has been low recently causing me to have dizzy spells and my doctor has adviced that because i dont have so much weight to lose that my body needs more calories and exercise, so wish me luck on my next phase of my journey, but i know i can do it, once and for all!

Love Diane xx
:worthy: Wow, what did I say? That you would look stunning and you truly do and everything more. Your pictures were certainly worth the wait. Thank-you for being brave enough to show us, they are very inspirational.

I can see the sparkle in your eye in your new photos, you look really happy, healthy, even glowing with confidence and pride. Your beautiful.

Well done Diane and I wish you all the best for the next phase of your journey and will continue to be here for you all the way.

Love Gemma.