Hi Emma, you are now an official member of our soon to be "little"

club! Lol

You have done fab, and are an inspiration to us all, it can be done 2nd/3rd/4th time around! Look forward to hearing how your getting on!
Harri, i am so glad you have stuck with it. We have all had the "ill start tomorrow" voice in our head, but tomorrow never comes..............
Ask yourself what will be different tomorrow? Your mind is just tricking you to eat

so well done for not listening!!
I can honestly say, that now im training my brain that "food is not an option" it REALLY is working for me and im finding it easier! I have faith that the longer im abstinent the easier it will become. My LLC says she no longer lives for food, she eats to live and thats so important, and thats where we need to regain our control and only eat what our body needs. Just now whilst we have this excess weight, our bodies do not need conventional food, we have LOADS of energy stored up.....we only need the nutrition from the packs. Once we have used up our "storage" and eat food we need to learn to eat what our bodies need. (and the odd treat here and there) Dont know about you all, but i "treated" myself every day...........such junk, i actually feel sick right now if i think of what i used to eat!!:jelous:
Tina, looking forward to having you back on board

you CAN do this
So come on girls, keep at it..........before long it wont be so hard, i am feeling elated and inspired just now, feel so happy to be in control!
Diane xx