Jellybabies DIARY...after LL...on to my new lifestyle change!

WELL DONE EMMA!!! :party0011::party0011::party0011::party0011:
You must be so proud of yourself! You are doing fantastic and i know you will get to target! Its so much easier once you get your head round abstinence and dont find it a struggle aint it?:)

Hi TL, thanks again for your kind words:p
I wont beat myself up if i dont get the 5lb target ive set this week as it just means i will get it next week, but i can hope:p
Im going to take the dog to the park just now as ive not taken her all weekend! Bad mum! And its a lovely day so going to go for a long hack with my horse, and exercise those thighs!! lol.
Hope everyone is well and enjoying their weightloss journeys!!;)

Diane xx
Hiya Diane just popped by to see how you are, Did you enjoy your walk with your dog? I bet she loved it, if you did take her out. :D How was your horse ride today, nice workout for your thighs?

I hope you had a great day.

Love Gemma xxx
Hi Gemma
Unfortunately i had a pretty bad day today. Took the dog out but had no energy so just sat in the park with her and read my book. Never went to the stables either and felt rather down today, felt like i was really missing food today, and i think im making a connection between feeling down and feeling the urge to eat!
Made a huge discovery today though.................if you put boiling water and 2 sweetners and a chocolate foodpack into the blender, it actually does seem like a hot chocolate (maybe not cadburys but a really cheap one!) but hot chocolate all the same, with NO LUMPS cos of the blender!! So a great discovery!!!
Had my hot choc about 20 mins ago and it has kind of soothed my mood. I know i will feel better tomorrow and hopefully get to go out riding.

Diane xx
:hug99: Awww Diane, I'm sorry to see that your day wasn't so good yesterday. :( Sorry your day didn't go quite as planned but on the up-side you did take your dog out in the fresh air even if you couldn't manage much. I bet it did you both some good. ;) I get days when I miss all my snacks and goodies (correction baddies, :p) that I used to pig out on before my diet. It is especially hard not to think about food when your down. But don't worry hun, you are incredibly strong-willed from what I have read in your diary so far, so you will be ok. :patback:

Nice discovery for a new hot chocolate, I am pleased it made you feel a little better, maybe you have found something to pick you up when your down, that isn't too naughty. ;)

I hope your day is better today and that you manage to get out and ride your horse? What is your horse called?

Take care.
Love Gemmaxxx
Hi Time Lady,
Thankyou for your encouraging words and as i though, am feeling better again today, back to being determined, and also proud of my new found strenght not to turn to food however difficult im finding things!
Its my weigh in tomorrow and fingers crossed i make my personal target!!
My horses name is Buddie and i love him to bits, this is his photo!


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:party0011: Yay, well done Diane, glad your feeling better and have your groove back. And you should be proud of your new found strength, its quite an achievement. ;)

:vibes:Sending good vibes for your weigh-in tomorrow. I will be keeping all my fingers and toes crossed for you. :)

Oh wow, your horse is absolutely beautiful. The name suits him because you look like the best of friends. :) I love horses, although I have never ridden one, I just think they are amazing animals. I see quite a few on my long walks with my mum. If they are curious they come and say hello, popping a head over the fence which is lovely, sometimes I have a packet of polos in my pocket, to them one. Its great that you have a hobby like horse-riding, that will definitely keep you fit. :)

See you soon.
Hi Diane
Ive been reading your posts, and just wanted to say goodluck for tomorrows weigh in. I am sure you are going to reach your personal goal, as you have been doing so well. Sometimes I wish I had the willpower to do a vlcd but just like to chew!!!lol.
Will check in tomorrow to see how you get on.
aww buddie is a beauty. Yep the ole WI tomorrow for us both eeeek.

Glad your picking your spirits up and soldiering on.
Oh three of you with weigh-ins tomorrow. Good Luck girls although you won't need it I am sure you all have done really well. I will be rooting for you. :)
Well back from the WI..........................2 kgs which is 6.6lbs, wooo hooo and i was bad with my water this week. hope you girls had good WI (every wI in a good one!!)

Wow 666 and Diane, you ladies have done really amazing today, both really great losses. You should both be really proud of yourselves. What a great bit of news, its made me smile and given me a little more inspiration. Well done you too, thats brilliant.

Love Gemma
Well done Diane and 666, what fantastic weight losses you have both achieved, you must be totally on a high! You are such an inspiration to the rest of us.