Jen’s Exante Diary

Well done Jen, you are doing brilliantly! I definitely find the weekends harder, especially a long weekend like this one!

10lbs is fab, this Exante does work and is the easiest and at the same time the hardest of diets! We just have to keep on keeping on!

Take care Hun. xxx
Well done Jen, you are doing brilliantly! I definitely find the weekends harder, especially a long weekend like this one!

10lbs is fab, this Exante does work and is the easiest and at the same time the hardest of diets! We just have to keep on keeping on!

Take care Hun. xxx

Thanks Jacci! Yes, the days where you aren’t so busy are definitely harder. It’s not even like I’m craving anything, I think I’m just impatient for this to be done! 🤣 But you’re right, keep on keeping on - every day sticking to it is another day closer! X
Well day 11 is going well so far! I am finding this harder than I thought - I miss the social aspects of food more than the food! I’d given myself a couple of free weeks to get in the swing in this but I’ve no cravings and I’m fairly sure I’m not going to leap on anyone’s plate! 🤣 So time to get back out there! And maybe keep it to catch ups over coffee for now!

Have a good day everyone! X
Well done Jen that’s cracking weight loss, I started Exante yesterday so I’m hoping for a good number first week, I signed up for a bet to lose 3 stone in six months on healthy wage , then faffed around for the first 4 months and am only down 1 stone so this is my only hope of winning my wager by July 2nd so at least I’m focussed now!
Well done Jen that’s cracking weight loss, I started Exante yesterday so I’m hoping for a good number first week, I signed up for a bet to lose 3 stone in six months on healthy wage , then faffed around for the first 4 months and am only down 1 stone so this is my only hope of winning my wager by July 2nd so at least I’m focussed now!

Good luck, if any diet can do it then I think this is probably it! It’s tough but you can see the results so quickly so it kind of keeps you going! X
Busy couple of days with work but still 100% on plan! So much easier when you are busy. I’ve also been out and mixed with people eating real food! Breezed through it, didn’t bother me in the slightest so I’m really pleased about that. 1 more day before my weigh in on Saturday, I hope this has all been worth it! X
Thats week 2 done and 5lbs gone! I’m really pleased - the last few evenings have been a real struggle, felt a little bit hungry and had loads of cravings all of a sudden. I’m glad I didn’t give in.

I’ve been thinking about the food week that Exante recommends. I really wasn’t sure about doing a whole week like that and now I’m wondering whether to have a ‘food night’ instead - once a week I’ll have something off their approved food list. I can’t decide if this is a great idea or a terrible idea and I’ll wind up shoving all sorts in my face! I guess I won’t know until I try. Hmmmm.

Dreamt I ate strawberries last night. They were soooo good! Although note to my brain, if I’m going to dream cheat then can it be with something slightly more unhealthy?!?
Fantastic jen well done!! Brilliant loss. If you're on the Facebook group someone has combined screenshots of people's food week recipes into one post, might be worth having a look?

Counting down the days for food week!
Wow, the last few days have flown by! I’m still going, it’s been no problem for the last few days as I’ve been busy with work - in fact, not stopping to prepare and eat meals has been very helpful!

I decided to give the eating thing a try on Sunday as I was with family for the day and it seemed a bit more social. So everyone else enjoyed a lovely roast and I took along a piece of chicken and some salad. God, it was tough to get through. Normally I love salad but I now realise what I actually love is salad dressing!! I might try and do the same next week but I’m not exactly looking forward to it. I’ll check the list and see what else is on offer, I think.

The rest of this week (actually the next few weeks) are going to be super busy work wise so hopefully that will help me push through. Although I make wedding cakes for a living so it’s not without its challenges!! Off to read some of the other diaries now & find out what you’ve all been up to! X
Still going! Had a sneaky weigh in this morning and it’s only 1.5lbs down - bit annoyed it’s not going faster but at least it is going! 2 days until official weigh in - hopefully I can add a bit more to that! X
Hi Jen, that's great! A loss is still something to be delighted about, are you finding much changes in your clothes?