jeni3075 said:Thanks daisy and chan... Yeh think your right even a few weeks down the line I think they'll be days like that but we just have to pick ourselves up and wait for the next day huh! Don't work to hard daisy!
week 1 -8lbs
jeni3075 said:Day 9 - biggest test so far! Trip to asda and macdonalds! Hubby n son ate it in car with me.. Was a bit sulky but did it!!
Also had a sneaky weigh in and realised something... When I weighed last thurs and my chemist converted kgs to lbs and wrote it down I determined it was 8lbs.. 17.4 to 16.8 is 10!! Done myself out of 2lbs!! So very pleased and gave me and extra boost!! If my scales are the same I've lost another 2 so if I lose 2 this week that will be my stone in 2 weeks!!! Yay I'm dooooing this!! Also feeling confident enough to put my before pics up cos I cant weight to put the after ones on! So here goes!
(don't think the baggy jeans doing me any favours! But only other pair I can get on at the mo are falling down!)
week 1 -10lbs
Chan81 said:Well put as well Jeni![]()
jeni3075 said:Hey bell... Yeh I know I'm exactly the same,... This is the toughest thing I've ever done! But I keep on saying you've done this to yourself you have to undo it!! Imagine how amazing you are going to feel at your wedding if you do this!! That one day will be worth every day of this.. Have you sat down with your kids and talked to them? Tell them how important this is to you and you need their support.. I've only got the one so easy for me to say! But honestly don't think I'd still be doing this if it wasn't for their support.. I'm not handling food situations very well!! Keep going Hun we are going to do this!! Xx
week 1 -10lbs
Daisyhappy! said:Here i am Bell!
Im in work-longest day ever! And flying through 50 shades! Have to read a million posts here to catch up!
You pair well? You had your weigh in Jeni?? Sorry alt the threads are moving so fast v.hard to keep up when i have my head stuck in mister grey
10lbs hun that's excellent!!
jeni3075 said:Hi grace.. Sorry to hear your struggling it does get easier! I actually make my vanilla shake and pour it into my black tea.. I love it!
week 1 -10lbs
jeni3075 said:Deffo best in the morning bell makes me feel like I'm have my proper morning cuppa!
week 1 -10lbs