Oh lady g - when I was woken up at 4am this morning to help him to the toilet, I didn't feel like a wonderful nurse. I felt really, really grumpy. I hope I didn't show it lol. How will I cope with sleepless nights if we have kids lol. It seems that sleep deprivation doesn't suit me
Not something that needs to be worried about at the moment that's for sure ;D
Diet wise I'm still on track, I'm still sticking to TS 100%, even through this stress I'm finding TS fine. It's actually a godsend - I don't need to think about feeding myself when I'm feeding everyone else, mines is simple
. I weighed myself this morning, like I do every morning and I've lost a few pounds since yesterday. I'm just 10 pounds away from reaching my first target that I set, my BMI is soooooo close to 35 now which is what i need to get it too for treatment, I'm 10 pounds away from loosing 7 stone (holy moley! How did that happen!), on Wednesday I will have been doing this for 14 weeks, on Thursday 2 June I will have been doing TS for 100 days, I'm the lightest that I've been for about 10 years. I've got 12 pounds to go and I will have lost 100 pounds of fat. Crikey!
Listing all this stuff keeps me focused. I've still got a long way to go. Just not as long as I had 3 months ago. At a stone a month I WILL be finished this diet by November.
Now the main target is to say cheerio 17s and hello 16s
I better get up, I'm laying in bed, need to get organised for OH waking.