I feel quite proud of myself. You might want to make yourself a cup of something, I feel that this might be a bit of a long one!
Well, being plus sized and not feeling beautiful because I'm big, I've always searched high and low and bought many, many clothes to compensate - I make myself look as glamourous as I can to compensate for the fact that I don't feel particularly lovely.
So I've got overflowing drawers, wardrobes - I've even made a cupboard in my room my SATC Carrie style "walk in wardrobe" with a rail FULL of dresses upon dresses. I've got a few suitcases in the attic with holiday clothes and whatever season I've come out of and don't wear all the time. And I always justified it because I'm quite good at getting the clothes that I want for cheaper. But sometimes they are full price lol.
So... With losing weight so quickly so many of my clothes don't fit now. And I decided to put them on ebay - many of them with tags on and many of them only worn once or twice.
I'm so chuffed with myself that I'm selling them - I've lost weight previously and been in the same position of having all these clothes that were too big but I never dreamed of selling them. Probably because I was scared to let them go and scared because I knew that I was more than probably going to fall off the wagon and then what would I wear? I actually had someone tell me to get rid of them and I was actually appalled at the thought.
Well this time I just don't feel that way. I've stayed completely on course - 100% total source for what will be 4 weeks on Wednesday - no "normal" food has passed my lips since 8pm on Tuesday 22 February 2011....
I'm actually a bit horrified about how much clothes I actually own. I have so much more to put on ebay once these auctions end. I've suddenly realised how much effort I've put into making myself feel better - my body image is that poor that I've just kept buying and buying.
I've held onto so many clothes - just incase... When I'm at goal I'm not saying I'm not going to buy clothes, its a passion of mine. But what I'm going to do is have a regular clear out and sell things or take it to the charity shop.
I had a look at clothes which I'm going to be able to fit in soon enough - it was nice, being in a "normal" shop and knowing that soon I will be able to shop there
I'm surprised the way that I have taken to this diet. I find it straightforward - not feeling hungry is also a bonus. Basically there is no way that I can binge because having "one" doesn't happen - I have to have 5, 10 or the whole packet. With this diet I find it peaceful, if that makes any sense. I can't eat anything apart from the shakes, bar or soups. Its like I have given up food and it feels refreshing. I know that I will eat eventually but I'm using this time to try and address the issues that I have with food - the emotional eating.
I've also been thinking about how I should eat going forward. I feel that low carb will be the best option for me. I love carbs but they don't particularly love me. Bread and potatoes makes me hiccup and feel bloated. I always feel really hungry after I eat pasta.
So I think low carb is definitely the way to go so I'm sourcing some low carb cook books so that I know how to eat and what to eat when the time comes.
Told you to grab something to drink, didn't I? lol