LOL Rosie.
Well. I've now been on the pill nearly a week and, yep - it's starting to kick in.
I was angry with Jon all yesterday evening over nothing (he forgot to take me to Sainsbury's) and then I was upset with myself for getting so angry over nothing.
I almost burst into tears this morning because the bus didn't turn up, then as I was walking home it went past, about an hour and 15 mins late

It took me almost an hour to warm up and then my physics teacher was annoyed with me because I missed the first lesson!
I can't decide whether I'd rather have fortnightly periods, or be a crazy hell***** for the next 3 months
And, I got in trouble last week because I haven't turned up to assembly... well, ever.
It's on my morning off and they expect me to get out of bed at 7.30am for the privilege of being droned at for 30 mins, then having nothing to do for 3 hours.
Oh, and the bus at that time isn't free.
I mean, would you?
Anyways, rant over.