I think it's a female thing
I'm sure there's a quote - 'This is GIRL LOGIC - it's not what you say that's important, it's what she INFERS from it'.
Which is so true, guys are so to-the-point, say what they mean and we can interpret it as something completely different
I have worked out that "I'm fine" means she is annoyed and I should know what about and when she says its "ok" to go out for a beer, it means 1 beer and not an all nighter and coming home with a cold pizza
Having said that, if you asked if you were allowed to go on an all nighter, you'd probably get a big NO, haha.
or an "it's fine" to go for an all nighter
or an "it's fine" to go for an all nighter
Except, being a bloke, you're already halfway through your second pint before she's finished her sentence
I'm the male in my relationship. I roll over after lovin' while Adam tries to cuddle me We went for a walk once and he said "That's the prettiest tree I've ever seen". He's a big manly looking guy but I swear there's a vagina hiding somewhere. Such a girl. His favourite movies are Moulin Rouge, American Beauty and Amelie?! My favourite movie is Battle Royale, lol. There are so many things that he does that are really girly, I'll have to start a list!
P.S. We've been for a walk more than once, I'm not that lazy
and yeah.. wasnt the second time the other day?
just spat all over the keyboard snorting at your vagina comment LOL
So did I hehehe.
I most definitely wear the trousers in my relationships, but Jon definitely does NOT have a vagina hidden anywhere, hahaha.
He was saying, 'yeah, my film collection is all boyish stuff' and I said 'GOOD! Chick flicks are boring!' and he was like *stunned silence* hahaha.
You'd think he'd have got the point after we saw Die Hard, Transformers, Max Payne etc etc and I enojyed them, but evidently not
lmaoooo!! - i must be a bore i totaly love chick flicks and god love the oh he puts up with watching them too but thats what happens when ur made to watch footy near every night of the week even the teams he doesnt like i just dont get men running about with a stupid ball and screaming like a bunch of idiots for scoring a goal - well done u scored a ball into a net whoopie bloody do!! lol
I'm the male in my relationship. I roll over after lovin' while Adam tries to cuddle me We went for a walk once and he said "That's the prettiest tree I've ever seen". He's a big manly looking guy but I swear there's a vagina hiding somewhere. Such a girl. His favourite movies are Moulin Rouge, American Beauty and Amelie?! My favourite movie is Battle Royale, lol. There are so many things that he does that are really girly, I'll have to start a list!
P.S. We've been for a walk more than once, I'm not that lazy
i think if i made the effort to look i would find Mattys vagina.. he has some right girly huffs sometimes!
and i LOVE girly films! Love Die Hard though too.. but he doesnt beat Bridget Jones!