Jennys Diary now shes back to points AGAIN lol

i know a lot of people have had had good results with PCOS and atkins hon.

i would love to low-carb for a bit but i love carbs too much!! ha. i have done low-carb diets in the past, but am hoping that i'm going to get a sudden whoosh with ww and i won't have to go there!! i was hoping i'd be able to get away without doing any more cambridge and i was going to see where i was at the end of april and maybe do an emergency month on cd if needs be but was hoping i wouldn't have to... well it's looking like i might have to :(

still. i keep thinking i'm far better off now than i was eight months ago, even if i'm not at goal (which i would have been if i'd stayed on cd). i'm still much slimmer and much more happy. now if i could get down to a size 14 i'd be ecstatic!! but i think a 16 is more realistic. still. i'm going to bloody strive for it!! people keep telling me the stress of a wedding makes the weight drop off. well there's no bloody sign of that yet and i've definately been stressed!! ha.

abz xx
Abz, Have you tried doing the fast start week on WW? that can be done at any time not just the first week. I tried that last time I was on WW before this time and it helped to lose half a stone. I know it means dropping your points for a week or two but it might work. x
i haven't but i've been under my points most days in any case... i'm thinking the change of tack on sw might do me a world of good. and if i gain after the first week or two i'll rethink again. i think i just need to feel like i'm trying something new. if i had all the time in the world (and how i wish i'd used it while i did) then this would be fine. but i have 4.5 months, 3.5 before my dress fitting, and i'm getting bloody nervous!! hee. maybe that will make the weight drop off :D

abz xx
Heck that wedding dress stress is an added factor for you ladies. Glad you reached your mini goal but be careful witht he cartwheels!!

Good luck

I cant really do cartwheels....I virtually cheated lol
Im scared too...I know I shouldnt be coz I have 8 months left...
but I only have 2 weeks till I have to be measured to order the size of my wedding dress.
Im scared that once I order the dress I'll lose too much weight and they wont be able to take it in enough. According to my goals which I am so far the final dress fitting I should be 13st 7lbs...
Thats a hell of a lot of dress sizes...why do these dresses have to be ordered so makes no sense...
well hon, just ask their advice... mine was ordered in the size below the size i am now. so i'm bloody terrified. i MUST get into a size 16 in the next couple of months. i'm a comfy 18 at the moment so i am getting there but aargh... saying that, i'm in my size 17 trousers these days and don't actually know what a normal 18 is like on me. i know i'm miles from a 16 still though... might be worth trying on my normal 18s to see what they are like. might give me a bit of a boost :)

abz xx
Mini Goal day 1- Sebs naming day

So along my mission I have set myself a number of mini goal days that are different events planned through this year... from weddings to birthdays to my sisters graduation and the race for life. Each mini goal has a different weight beside it...

The first mini goal day was yesterday.. as you know if you read my previous posts I met my goal. It was great. The baby is my bridesmaids son and this time last year we were at her house naming her oldest son. The one difference...Last year I was 22 stone... this year I was 17st 10lbs.

It was such a great feeling...quie a few of our friends had put on weight in the last year... but even so ..I was no longer the biggest person in the room. In fact I was one of the slimmest. It was amazing not to feel like the fat friend.

I went with the intention of not mentioning my weight loss at all and seeing if anyone noticed. But everyone who spoke to noticed and looked really amazed. I really felt that they did think I looked great. :D:D:D:D Roll on the next goal!!
woohoo!! always a good feeling :D i have remained the same weight for FAR too long... the compliments are slowing. must get thinner :D :D

won't have seen my OH's family for about 10 months when they fly over from denmark for our wedding, so would love to be all skinny to give them a shock :D

abz xx
I went out last night and for the first amazing time I didnt feel big. I had a man in the street walk past me and say I was lovely... In contrast on a few months ago when someone in the street said I was a ugly dog...
I also had quite a few men talk to me in bars..that never happens... Its amazing what a bi of weight loss and a new hair cut can do
honey. you do look amazing. but i have a feeling that this will be because you are now exuding confidence :D well done you :D

abz xx
Thankyou Abz

I went on a size mission today to try and work out what size I am up in dorothy perkins... I am now offically a size 16 in a top and dress woooooooooo YAY Cartwheels again across the room lol
wow!! that's fantastic!! remember that wedding dresses are different though. i was asking the woman that fitted me and she said that quite often wedding dresses aren't in a smaller size, it's just that because they are boned they don't have any give in them, and most other clothing does, so what fits you as a 16 in the highstreet may not fit you as a 16 in a wedding dress. mine fit me as seemed right though, so i could just be spouting nonsense. i just want to say, don't be disheartened if your wedding dress is a different size!!

well done on being a size 16 :D i am there in tops just about but my bottom half is insisting on remaining an 18 :(

abz xx
My bottom half is still a 18/20 depending on the shop/ fit....
Oh I know my wedding dress is going to be no where near the teens
when I was a size 24 in shop dresses I was a size 28 wedding dress... so at a guess Maybe Im a size 22 wedding dress
you're going to be in a much more skimpy one by the time it gets here hon :) i really would recommend getting a size or two lower so that they won't have to take it in a gazillion sizes...

abz xx
well Im aiming to be 13st 7lbs by the time last fitting comes so god knows what size that will be lol but hey thats 4 stone away... who knows whether I'll do it. Depends what size I am now...but I might order a size 20 they said it can be taken in up to 2 sizes without ruining the dress so at a push it could become a 16 if miracles happened lol
it could happen honey. don't knock it... i'm hoping to be a size 16 on my bottom half at around 13st-13st 7 so i'm hoping you're right :D

abz xx
Offical weigh to day...oh well so I pu on some from the middle of the week but Im still in the 17s so thats good. 2lbs lost YAY!!!
Crunchynut cornflakes (pre hossy)

fried egg,sausage, bacon, 2 hash browns, baked beans toast (During operation):mad:

(bored) Chicken Salad Wrap.... caramel galaxy chocolate bar, cookie crumble galaxy chocolate bar (2 for £1) :confused:

(very very bored) snickers flapjack (yuck hated it still ate it)

(very very very bored)
hobnobs chocolae flapjack

(came home) The pastry off 2 mini pork pies ( WHAT THE FECK AM I DOING!!!!)

went to cinema with sis ( shared packet LARGE of MMs) :cry:

This my friends is why I am a yoyo dieter
This is why in my lifetime I have been 25 stone at my heaviest
This is the truth of my binge eating
and my worst points can offen be found when I make an achievement

I am my own worst enemy :cry:

I am of my own making

I am the one stopping my weight loss

I am the reason I put weight back on

WHY??????? DO I DO THIS !!!!!!!!!!!

Just reading through your diary, you sound alot like me ( sadly for you lol )
I am an emotional eater, bored, sad, happy, stressed, anxious. You name the emotion i eat it :17729:
When im really bad i can consume FAR more than you did, my recent one before i wnt back to classes i was bored and i had brekfast of toast, then went to Morrisons and ate 4 tiger rolls, 3 wispas ( 3 for £1 ) a packet of biscuits and all before lunch, probably went t the bakers or lunch and thn ate junk for tea so i just wanted to say you are not alone i know that feeling well, and like you say your no happier afterwards but luckily since going back to class i have controlled it. It was ard last week as only second WI an i lost 0 that was a test for sure
Stick at it im sure you will look lovely in your dress