Jen's CD Rambling Dairy

My stats:

Starting weight (15/1/12) - 12st 2.25lbs (170.25lbs)

Current weight (19/4/12) - 9st 6.75lbs (132.75lbs)

My little goals:

Lose a stone (156lbs) *done*

Get under 11 stone (154lbs) *done*

Get to 10st 7lbs (147lbs)
AMEND TO "get to 10st 6lbs (146lbs)" as this is when i switch to 810 as BMI will be 25. *done*

Get under 10 stone (140lbs) *done*

Amending last goal to sitting comfortably between 9 and 9.5stone.

Cannot believe ive done 37.5lbs in 3months... Its crazy.
Here's a before and during. I've lost a few more lb's since then :)


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Jennifer89 said:
Here's a before and during. I've lost a few more lb's since then :)

you looked amazing beforehand but now you look fab!! So you done SS for a while then before going up!
You must feel so much better now and happier!
You should be so proud of yourself xxx
Charlie Woo Woo said:
you looked amazing beforehand but now you look fab!! So you done SS for a while then before going up!
You must feel so much better now and happier!
You should be so proud of yourself xxx

Aww thanks :) yeah i thonk it was nearly 2months on SS (as long as i could - till bmi 25) then worked my way up. Still slowly losing and finally have my eating habits reined in. Early days yet but gettin there :)
Jennifer89 said:
Aww thanks :) yeah i thonk it was nearly 2months on SS (as long as i could - till bmi 25) then worked my way up. Still slowly losing and finally have my eating habits reined in. Early days yet but gettin there :)

I cant wait to have a low BMI!
Ive already gone from 'obese' to 'overweight' which sounds silly but made me cry when my CDC told me :)
Charlie Woo Woo said:
I cant wait to have a low BMI!
Ive already gone from 'obese' to 'overweight' which sounds silly but made me cry when my CDC told me :)

I kno what u mean. I was on border line of obese when i started! (29.8! Lol) so ive gobe down the catagories too! Lol. :) well done. Itl fly
But just stick at it x