Jess don't get disheartened. It's so true what you say - we are totally conditioned to look at the scales and believe what they say - but they only tell half of the picture. I've a quote from an old teacher which I've posted before that I believe 100% and I think really applies here
Nobody can see what you see when you step on the scales but everyone can see what you see when you look in the mirror
You're the only person who knows what your scales say every morning (plus us on here if you tell us!) But what your friends and family are all seeing is a slimmer and hotter version of Jess!!
And, more importantly, you're fitter. You exercise regularly and reading back over your diary you seem to be enjoying that more. You've given yourself a gift of a healthy, active and fit body. So give that body the fuel it needs to allow you to keep on enjoying your active lifestyle and make friends with the tape measure rather than the scales - I find it's a more loyal and supportive friend and I get the feeling you will too