25 years old.Vegetarian .Calorie Counter
Is it your scan today Hun?
Good luck if so!
Look forward to hearing all about it xxx
Good luck if so!
Look forward to hearing all about it xxx
Mine was too at out 12 week n got so excited he asked... It was the cord!! Ha ha
Lol babies genitals not even formed that early so sorry to disappoint your OH's lol. Well I've not slept well at all. Chest got very wheezy in the night so called doctors which put you though to 111. Which asked lots of questions and they send a ambulance!! Very pointless as it wasn't an emergency as in ambulance type. But as they were here and I said I didnt want to be taken to hospital they did blood prick test, heart rate and put heart monitor on. Turns out they were sent my case all because in my last pregnancy I was treated for blood clot on lung. Even though I said on the phone I think it's chest infection and bad cough!! Was nice hour or so with them here though having nice chat and dragging the time out so they didn't get called out again lol. Turned out one used to be in the forces too so had lots to chat about with hubby been ex military too. Now been up since 4am, just need rest of the day to go fast so can go to my scan!! Once been in docs this morning though! X.
thanksOMG Check out your bump!!!!!!!!!
I have serious bump envy!!!! no kidding...
Crib is so adorable too....
I so am! its great. Erm i think i started showing about week 16-17 as already had a big stomach :/Ah you seem so exited, when did you start to get a bump? looks so cute! X