Jess' photo diary, surgery & baby later. Fresh start

Things are finally great .. back on plan properly and feel great to be.

Bad thing today and yesterday had a headache, realized must be because ive stopped the asprin. Silly me ran out and forgot to get some more! So called docs send got another lot to collect tonight. Even though I've not got high BP but they want to be safe as I did previous pregnancy....

WI tonight, expecting a very large gain. But I'm ignoring it as I'm on plan now so looking forward to next week!! X
2 WW sausages. (1syn)
2 toast (heB + 1.5syn for butter)
Bacon, egg, tomato and tin tomatoes!

Lunch it's between corned beef hash, chicken salad or burgers and salad.... Shall see what Rob wants as it's his main (tea) meal with on the late shift this week.
Breakfast: 2 WW sausages. (1syn) 2 toast (heB + 1.5syn for butter) Bacon, egg, tomato and tin tomatoes! <img src=""/> Lunch it's between corned beef hash, chicken salad or burgers and salad.... Shall see what Rob wants as it's his main (tea) meal with on the late shift this week.

Ooh corned beef hash....we have a version called 'sliced taties' that my granny used to make. It's basically corned beef, sliced potatoes and onions in gravy and it's my favourite meal ever. Tom doesn't like it so if I make it for me I end up eating loads x
Oh i love corned beef hash! Yours sounds pretty similar to how i do it sometimes too. Id have it all if i could :p haha

Did it lol. well atleast its something good Pinknails :) x
'Big mac in a bowl' 2syns plus heA

Yum yum. I love Big Mac in a bowl.
Do you make any scan bran recipes? Just tried an apple and cinnamon cake. Bleugh. :(

i have previously. Mainly the coffee cake one.
5scan bran, soaked/mashed. 1/2 cup sweetener, 3eggs. 2tbsp coffee. microwave 7mins or oven 20-30mins. This was 1/4 with tbsp syrup ontop x

made hazelnut one with using the doug ebert flavoured coffees.

Cherry Bakewell scan bran cake

5 scan bran1 and half tbsp almond essence
5tbsp sweetener
3 eggs
1/2 cherry muller light yogurt

Soak scan in hot water until soggy. Then add all the other ingredients. Microwave for 7mins depending on your microwave watt.. OR oven for 30-40mins. 200'. It sometimes takes longer as its moist from the yogurt.

5 syns for all if not using the bran as heB.

AND ive done this...
sweetened scan bran with milk topped with sliced strawberries, apple, kiwi and grapes

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Thanks for them, will give it a go! The things we do to your corned beef hash inspired me, have been googling recipes and am off to sainsburys to hunt for lean corned beef! X
No problem :)

hehe it will be tomorrows meal now or tonight after SW if im starving and can cook lol. xx
Well peed off tonight with my humongous gain!! But I guess been I'd say 80% bad doesn't help!! That stupid chocolate cake >_> lol.
Hoping next week to lose as I've gone up into the dreadful next stone bracket .. blahh!

I've now a new addiction!!


They are really nice and only 4 syns per bag! Better than crisps and seem to last longer too! X
They do! The metcalfe popcorn is nice as well, they had them in poundland the other day and the sea salt ones are on 2.5syns a bag! Their rice cakes with chocolate on are nice as well.
Don't worry about your gain hun, you know there is a reason....and maybe baby has grown a bit as well! Xxx
There very strange, but don't taste rubbery like some popcorn.. and there really stong with a little kick to them!

Going to have instead of crisps as they feel more naughty :)
They do! The metcalfe popcorn is nice as well, they had them in poundland the other day and the sea salt ones are on 2.5syns a bag! Their rice cakes with chocolate on are nice as well.
Don't worry about your gain hun, you know there is a reason....and maybe baby has grown a bit as well! Xxx

Are they big bags too? Might have to have a look for some! Wanting to try different things as always snack on same things :/

Thanks hun, it was huge... But could also be growth of baby as I do feel huge these past few weeks! Xx
They aren't enormous but they are ok! Just good for a nibble now and again! The rice cakes are quite substantial I think

That's alright then :) these were only 20g bags but felt like eating 2 or 3 packs of crisps they took forever which is good! X

Well going to be a long day! Only night I stay up late and Jacobs up at half 5 wanting breakfast!! Wouldn't mind but he's crying and whinging at everything he does!. Ugh sleep little boy, sleep!!! Xx
Well little boy been quiet today so far. Well I've been up almost 7 hours already! Usually sleep a lot longer lol. Got his little outfit today...

I'm still shocked and amazing that im having another little baby.. another boy!!!
Might actually sink in properly when he's here and I see my boys together <3