Jess' photo diary, surgery & baby later. Fresh start

OMG I miss my bump terribly. I LOVE, absolutely LOVE having Amelia here, but I really really miss being pregnant. Way more than I thought I would. I'm already secretly planning baby no 2 in my head!! Despite a bit of a crappy labour, I'd do it all again in a heartbeat xx

Now, to get John on board ;) lol xx
OMG I miss my bump terribly. I LOVE, absolutely LOVE having Amelia here, but I really really miss being pregnant. Way more than I thought I would. I'm already secretly planning baby no 2 in my head!! Despite a bit of a crappy labour, I'd do it all again in a heartbeat xx

Now, to get John on board ;) lol xx

Jonathan us almost marking dates on a calendar til we can DTD to start on baby number 2!!!! HE is... I'm not!! Lol
Can't wait for baby number 2, but I wana enjoy Eabha fir a while first
Jess I was in hospital n missed my bump!!!!

N Jonathan said the other day he too misses it!!!
We wouldn't not have Eabha here obviously but miss the bump terrible :(

OMG I miss my bump terribly. I LOVE, absolutely LOVE having Amelia here, but I really really miss being pregnant. Way more than I thought I would. I'm already secretly planning baby no 2 in my head!! Despite a bit of a crappy labour, I'd do it all again in a heartbeat xx

Now, to get John on board ;) lol xx

Jonathan us almost marking dates on a calendar til we can DTD to start on baby number 2!!!! HE is... I'm not!! Lol
Can't wait for baby number 2, but I wana enjoy Eabha fir a while first

Its SO crazy how much you miss your bump, yet all you've been wanting is your little baby here!! It was agony waiting to try for this baby as i needed surgery, but to lose weight first and many more health problems. So when we finally was able to i was over the moon!! Its crazy as ive already been planning baby #3!!! lol!! xx
# Its SO crazy how much you miss your bump, yet all you've been wanting is your little baby here!! It was agony waiting to try for this baby as i needed surgery, but to lose weight first and many more health problems. So when we finally was able to i was over the moon!! Its crazy as ive already been planning baby #3!!! lol!! xx

I'm on with trying to persuade Tom with baby no 2 ;) I want to do it soon but in another way I don't because it'll be my last pregnancy. I'm 33 this year so too old to have a third (unless it's twins!!) plus my dad and step mum look after the kids and my sister is pregnant with her second so wouldn't be fair to have too many. If I didn't have to work it might be another story...haha xx
weetabix and raspberries
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egg mayo on jacket, minted salad. cottage cheese
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todays melon for breakfast
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porridge oat pancakes with banana and custard yogurt, sliced banana and cinnamon
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tea - Mixed herb and garlic meatballs in a spicy tomato sauce with onion pepper and carrots all finely chopped. With a roasted jacket potato and melting cheese! (Using heA and B)
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weetabix and raspberries
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egg mayo on jacket, minted salad. cottage cheese
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todays melon for breakfast
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porridge oat pancakes with banana and custard yogurt, sliced banana and cinnamon
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tea - Mixed herb and garlic meatballs in a spicy tomato sauce with onion pepper and carrots all finely chopped. With a roasted jacket potato and melting cheese! (Using heA and B)
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Hey Jess :), how are you hun ? I'm drooling over your food pics again :drool: lol . You always cook such yummy meals, your OH is one lucky guy ! and I'm sure the little one is in heaven with all the yummy food mum keeps feeding him, not so sure he'll take to milk once he's out, his taste buds have become accustomed to such culinary delights ! :D

Kay xx
Hey Jess :), how are you hun ? I'm drooling over your food pics again :drool: lol . You always cook such yummy meals, your OH is one lucky guy ! and I'm sure the little one is in heaven with all the yummy food mum keeps feeding him, not so sure he'll take to milk once he's out, his taste buds have become accustomed to such culinary delights ! :D

Kay xx

Hey hun. Yeah not doing too bad thanks! Having a few sleeping problems still for past few weeks but I'm managing to function on the sleep I get lol.

Awe thanks, I love to cook but hate the mess haha. I'm just hoping when baby does come that I can keep everything up. Having a newborn and possibly just turned or turning 3 year old is going to be hard. Not to mention looking after Rob and my 2 dogs!!!
Sounds stressful just thinking about it lol :p

Having another red day today.
Just finished toast, sausage, tomatoes and black peppered mushrooms.

Jacobs at nursery today, so chill, watch tv for abit, then I've got a pile of ironing to get though :(
So heres today's meals:

Red day

fry up. 3 Sausages(1.5syn) toast and butter (heB & 2syns) Peppered mushrooms and tomatoes.
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Ham, tikka chicken, lettuce, tomato, onion, cucumber, gherkins, pickled onions and egg. Topped with feta cheese (heA)
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Chicken breast in breadcrumbs (2syn) 2 mini garlic roasted potatoes and one chilli(heB for potatoes). Carrot and swede mashed (1syn) with added grated cheese after picture(heA)

Total 6.5syns
heA - Feta cheese, Cheddar cheese.
heB - Bread & Potato

Currently sat eating some pineapple and watermelon :)
Looks yummy how did you do the spuds? Xx
Looks good as usual Jess! How come your carrot and swede is synned? X
I add some butter to make it alittle creamy :)

Looks yummy how did you do the spuds? Xx
Thanks, I slice them, then add flavouring i want. Put in microwave for approx 5mins i think then spray with frylight and put in actifry to crisp and finish cooking. Could do the same but put in oven. x

Todays menu was EE day
Weetabix and milk this morning before rushing for the bus.
Lunch i had a chilli con carne on jacket potato with salad.
Tea - just had chips, salad mint mix(lettuce,toms,onion,cucumber,mint) and cooked ham joint.

Been very pleased with myself for staying on plan with been out at hospital today!

RE hospital, Saw consultant. BP is fine, baby seems fine. He wrote im 30cm in my notes yet didnt even measure me! :/
Had trace of protein in my urine but didnt seem worried.
Go back in 6 weeks. Which i see my midwife in just over 3 weeks :)
Well I got through last night with no late snacking and stayed within Syns on some mini chocolate treats too!

Today is going to be a good day too..
EE today as it's easier.....

B- half of a melon.

D- currently boiling pasta for tuna pasta salad.

T- having a right mixture/buffet raclette dinner tonight. About to marinate some chicken in spices and prep some other stuff so it's all sorted :)

Pics to follow later!
well heres tea! very nice :D

Raclette tea! Tikka and tandoori chicken, beef, Ham, sausage, bacon, salmon... Minted salad, garlic and chive dip. Potato salad. Chips.. sliced onion, peppers, mushrooms, tomatoes and babycorn, cheese.. Very nice fun dinner only used 2syns and heA also!

Thanks! Cannot wait to do this again :)

Well yesterday wasn't too good of a day.. food wise was but I've been hurting so much lately :(
I've damaged ligaments in my knees and had plenty surgery previously from a accident years ago... Well they're starting to be a whole lot more painful than what they usually are :'( I'm so dreading the next 11weeks (possibly 13weeks) with things getting this bad already.

And talk about sore bump! Ouch. I think this last week hes either had huge growth spurt or it just killing my insides.

So not a very happy me today... Even though I've hit 29 weeks today!
Hi jess , can't believe you are 29 weeks already that time has flown by!
I remember things started to change for me around the 30 week mark .. I just started to feel more pregnant if you know what I mean and tired and achy .
So sorry to hear about our knees playing up .. Can't be nice on top of the already existing pregnancy aches and pains .
Are you doing any physiotherapy or on any tablets ? I guess your limited with what you can take..
Sorry to read ur in pain hun. N I guess there's not much u can do/take to ease it?? Other than rest when possible which is pretty impossible with a toddler!!
Nope :( already on asprin for BP so that's something. I did take paracetamol before too but made no difference as I'm used to stong stuff like tramadol or oxytocin... But stopped all major stong stuff when when got bfp.
I'm worrying too now as I needed medication after Jacob as I was in a lot of pain (was awaiting surgery so was much more worse)
Just hope I'm ok after he's here so I can BF!

Oh yes, I'm currently at a playgroup so hopefully will get his energy out abit for later so he's more chilled :) x

Hi jess , can't believe you are 29 weeks already that time has flown by!
I remember things started to change for me around the 30 week mark .. I just started to feel more pregnant if you know what I mean and tired and achy .
So sorry to hear about our knees playing up .. Can't be nice on top of the already existing pregnancy aches and pains .
Are you doing any physiotherapy or on any tablets ? I guess your limited with what you can take..

I know it's flying by!!! Which I'm glad in a way as I'm quite uncomfortable already... But it's gone quite fast and il so miss it when baby here so can't win lol.
How you doing?

I was on stong stuff but I stopped them with been pregnant. I do physio at home but I cannot improve what's wrong with me anymore, I've had 3 ops on one knee so far and it's not possible to do anything else so it's pretty much I've got to deal with it. :/ xx
Thanks! Cannot wait to do this again :) Well yesterday wasn't too good of a day.. food wise was but I've been hurting so much lately :( I've damaged ligaments in my knees and had plenty surgery previously from a accident years ago... Well they're starting to be a whole lot more painful than what they usually are :'( I'm so dreading the next 11weeks (possibly 13weeks) with things getting this bad already. And talk about sore bump! Ouch. I think this last week hes either had huge growth spurt or it just killing my insides. So not a very happy me today... Even though I've hit 29 weeks today!

Aww sorry to read you're having so much pain.
Hope it improves for you! X