thank you... yeah ive been so ... ugh... so ive not been bothered with cooking etc! But 100% back on track. Trying to be as good as possible until baby comes. (minus hot curries later on to try and evict himHappy 38 weeks , you look lovely .
Sounds like you had a nice weekend .. Mine wasn't great food wise either but hey you've got to live a bit! Xx
Thanks! im at the stage of wear what covers me as nothing fits! lol.Happy 38 weeks you're looking great!
Glad the swelling went down too x
oo i know cannot believe due date is 14 days away! With Jacob labour begun in 12 days.. i so hope hes early ! xGlad the swelling went down only 2 more weeks till baby is here unless it comes earlyx
swelling went down alot by this morning so she didnt check me over as i was 'ok' head is good, swelling is back. so in bed, feet up on some pillows to help it go down xx
That's a shame she didn't check you-how long does it take to do a blood Pressure!
If you're not right again do go and get checked. Pre eclampsia can come on so fast xx
Oh I hope so, cannot wait to see the numbers go down. If it wasn't for the gain last week (6lb) I wouldn't be feeling too bad.! XThat's really goodyou will soon be posting minus numbers so keep up the good work xx
Thanks, I really hope I'm one who will drop the weight fast!!! But don't we all lol xThat is really good! You watch, it will drop off!! X
Oh I know how you feel. At 26weeks I was up almost a stone and a half I think!!I'm feeling fed up gained a stone at 26 weeks I just feel huge what with been overweight already granted I've had some poor eating days and I can probably loose the binge related weight and keep the baby related weight but non the less my targets 11-20 according to midwife and I'm frightened of going over that I don't want any grief about weight and size and bla bla. I've got my gtt on 2nd June just hope it's normal my random self tests courtesy of my dads bm machine have been 4.2 up to 4.9 so that's normal but that might not mean a thing ? next pregnancy I will be a normal bmi and that's it this has made me feel conscious and exaggerated my already overweight body in ranting I'm sorry I'm so thankful I'm pregnant thanks to ivf but I feel so embarrassed that I was overweight ?