Jess' photo diary, surgery & baby later. Fresh start

Aww congratulations Jess!!! He's gorgeous :)
Hope you're all doing well, has Jacob met him yet?
What a good size! XxX
oh wow!!!! fantastic weight!!! Well done to you! Congratulations on the birth of your 2nd baby boy :) hes gorgeous xxxx

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Congratulations he's a beauty, great weight too x x
Thanks ladies :)

No Jacobs not met him yet as still in delivery suite. Will have to be tomorrow when he meets him. Which I cannot wait!! My mum is teaching Jacob that he's called Connor. But reply is no it's baby brother lol!

Eating some toast awaiting a shower. Rob is sat having cuddles.

I too successfully gave him his first boobie feed which made me so proud and makes me consider BF more. X

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Ahh that's great xx
Huge congratulations to you, Rob and Jacob. Fantastic weight on him :) Hope you're enjoying your toast and new baby cuddles xx
Thanks ladies :) No Jacobs not met him yet as still in delivery suite. Will have to be tomorrow when he meets him. Which I cannot wait!! My mum is teaching Jacob that he's called Connor. But reply is no it's baby brother lol! Eating some toast awaiting a shower. Rob is sat having cuddles. I too successfully gave him his first boobie feed which made me so proud and makes me consider BF more. X Sent from my HTC One X using MiniMins

Aww how cute, tell him baby brother Connor lol
Hope you get your shower soon and congratulations on the BF! You're sounding great xx
Thanks! He's just amazing. Gets to meet his big bro today!

He's done great through the night too!!


And is still currently snoozing :)

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Yay! I bet he can't wait to meet his big brother! Massive congratulations again :)

Thank you :)

Rob can come anytime from 9am - 9pm but gutted as visiting hours are only 3-4pm and 6-7pm. So got to wait nearly all day for him to be allowed here!! Unless I can hopefully get discharged earlier and get home to everyone :)

My inlaws drove down last night but gutted they wouldnt let them pop in to meet Connor for even a second :/ so they'll be down on Saturday as they live few hours away x

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Aww how annoying that they weren't allowed to pop in just for a few minutes! Hope you both have a nice settled day hun :)
Wow that's harsh but obviously they play by the rules and they probably want you to rest. Hope they don't keep you in too long xx
Congrats hun and what a whopper! He's gorgeous. That's at least 10lb gone already!:)
Hope you get home soon and the meeting of brothers goes well xxx